Chapter 6// Flush Of Jelousy

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Hayden's P.O.V

I wake up and the first thing I see when I open my eyes is Annie's beautiful face while she peacefully sleeps , when I was fully awake I realised that my arms where still wrapped around Annie and I smiled I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram when I felt Annie moving in my arms I put my phone down and I look at her and she was waking up and her beautiful eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me and she said " good morning Hayden!" Then I said " good morning Annie did you rest well?" "Yes how about you?" "I slept great!" We then both got up and we went to brush our teeth and then Annie said can you please make sure nobody comes in here because I'm gonna take a shower

"Of course annie !"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

She went and had  a shower and she came out dressed in a baseball oversized shirt and black tights and she has white vans on and Dutch braid she smiled at me and I smiled back then she went and sat at her vanity and started doing her makeup

H:Hayden A:Annie

H:annie  why are you doing your makeup you don't need it your face is clear and beautiful without makeup

A: I am not beautiful and my face is ugly so I need this makeup to make me look at least nicer thank what I do now

H: you are beautiful and without makeup your even more beautiful

A: awe thanks Hayden!

H:your welcome

A: but I'm still wearing some

H: whatever

Annie was going out with some friends after an hour of her being gone I decided to go on Instagram  when I saw something that made my heart shatter to a million pieces

AnnieLeBlanc  10ms ago

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AnnieLeBlanc: had so much fun with you☺️ 🧡 @IamAustinBrown

Kenzie✔️: Aweee you guys would make a cute couple! I mean if Hayden lets you😉

iamaustinbrown: had so much fun with you too😉🧡🧡🧡🧡

JohnnyOrlando✔️: @HaydenSummerall come get your girl !

HaydenSummerall✔️: Ann's I miss you come back home!😔💜

AnnieLeBlanc: on my way home right now I missed you too!💜

JaydenBartels✔️: I really hope to meet you some day you  seem really sweet!

AnnieLeBlanc : yes I really want to meet you too maybe one day !💜


All I felt was a "flush of jelousy 😔💜"

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