Chapter 10// will you...🔐💜

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Hayden's P.O.V
So it's been a few hours later and me and Annie both go and get ready for my special balcony date
I wore this 👇🏼

V So it's been a few hours later and me and Annie both go and get ready for my special balcony dateI wore this  👇🏼

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And I went and set up the balcony and it looked like this (without the Eiffel Tower)

I went and sat down at he table practising what I was gonna say when I heard the door slowly open, I stood up and Annie slowly walked in , my jaw dropped , she looked so gorgeous She wore this👇🏼

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I went and sat down at he table practising what I was gonna say when I heard the door slowly open, I stood up and Annie slowly walked in , my jaw dropped , she looked so gorgeous
She wore this👇🏼

A:awe , you did all this for me?H:of course I did you deserve the world Annie A:I don't but thank you 😊 H:you most sertainly do my princessAnnie's cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink and she said A:Hayden stoooopH: ok,ok😏😂I pulled out the chair...

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A:awe , you did all this for me?
H:of course I did you deserve the world Annie
A:I don't but thank you 😊
H:you most sertainly do my princess
Annie's cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink and she said
A:Hayden stoooop
H: ok,ok😏😂
I pulled out the chair fo her and she sat down and thanked me I went and I sat opposite of her and we ate and then talked after about and hour I said
H:so Annie I bought you out here to tell/ask you something
A:ok what is it?
H: Julianna Grace Leblanc they first time I saw your face on my phone screen I instantly fell I love with you , when we met in person I didn't think you could get anymore beautiful but I was wrong you get more beautiful everyday and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I got down on one knee and I said
H:Annie LeBlanc would you promise to never leave me and spend the rest of your life with me  and for now be my beautiful girlfriend ?
Annie's eyes filled with tears and she had a huge smile o her face
A:of course I will Hayden
I got up and I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put her arms around my neck and I picked her up and spun her around then I put her down and I smashed my lips on her and other our lips moved in sync the kiss was passionate and magical with sparks flying everywhere after about 50 seconds we both pulled away and smiled and looked down at her promise ring 👇🏼

I got down on one knee and I said H:Annie LeBlanc would you promise to never leave me and spend the rest of your life with me  and for now be my beautiful girlfriend ?Annie's eyes filled with tears and she had a huge smile o her face A:of course I...

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I sent Annie inside to get ready for bed while I cleaned up the balcony I couldn't stop smiling he whole time I probably looked like and idiot but I don't care I'm just too happy to have the most amazing girl In he world
Hey guys ! Thank you for the support on this fanfic please remember to comment your ideas because I love hearing them all and please leave constructive feedback on how I can improve on this story , on another note I'm kind of loosing ideas for this book so please help me on this I love y'all with all my heart
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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