Chapter 16//WHY?!

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Hayden's P.O.V
I woke up with my arms wrapped around Annie and my head on her chest , I looked up at her beautiful face as she peacefully slept, I leaned up and placed my lips on hers, she woke up and immediately kissed me back with a smile on her face , we kissed and then I pulled away and smiled at her.
H:good morning beautiful
A:*blushes* good morning 😂😊
H:did you sleep well, my love?
A:yes I did how about you?
H:I slept great
We laid in bed and talked for a bit more then Annie said
A:I'm gonna go get Johnny from the train station and he is gonna stay the night here , ok?
H:ok princess , be safe, I love you!
A:I will, I love you too!
She walked out of the house and I sat down and started playing fortnite.
Annie's P.O.V
I put this on 👇🏼

And I left the house, I got in the Uber and the Uber driver started to drive to the train station

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And I left the house, I got in the Uber and the Uber driver started to drive to the train station. When we got to the train station I saw Johnny and I called him over he got in the car and said
J:hey Ann's
A:hey John!
J:Ann's... when we get to the house I need to tell you something
A:ok sure!
We got home and we went inside
A:ok so what did you wanna tell me JohnnyBoiii
J:so I wanted to tell you that your beautiful , funny, adorable and smart ...
A:uh thanks John 😂
H didn't finish his sentence , he smashed his lips on mine and started kissing me , I don't know what got into me I knew what was happen wing and I did it pull away , I clicked into reality when I heard a very soft sniffle and I immediately pulled away , because I don't like Johnny in that way , like at all , ew , he's like my big brother , I looked at Johnny with a weirded out face and Johnny looked behind me with wide eyes , I looked behind me and saw Hayden, tears pouring out of his eyes , his face looked so shocked and pale I let tears escape my eyes because I feel so bad , I love Hayden with every little piece of me , even when Ruby kissed him I still didn't love him any less
A:I can't believe you Johnny!!!!!
J:I-i-i-I'm sorry Ann's , i j-just couldn't help myself
A:look what you freakin did for heavens sake !!!! Please leave for now , you can come back tonight when you want to go to bed or something!!!
J:ok... I'm sorry
A:sorry won't fix this!
Johnny walked out and I looked back at Hayden tears still streaming out of his eyes and his face the same as it was before
A:baby, oh my, please let me explain baby...
A:let me explain baby , please
H:just leave me alone now...please...
A:...ok..... but can we talk later , when your ready, you have all the time you need ,ok?
H:.....*crying voice* yeah maybe later I guess...
A:again I'm sorry ... I love you baby, you don't need to say it back , I know you probably don't love me right n-
H:*crying voice* I may be disappointed in you but I Love You, I always will no matter what , I just need some time right now ,but yes... I love you too Annie more than anything...
A:*crying voice* love you more Hayden...again I'm sorry baby
H:I love you more......
Heyooo what's Gucci babes? I hope you like this chapter I'm gonna try and post every few days I'm sorry that I don't post very often but I'm a very busy gal ! Please remember to comment your ideas because I love hearing them and remember to leave me constructive feedback so that I can improve my writing ! I'm gonna start something new , I'm gonna have question of the chapter! So comment !
QOTC:who's your celebrity crush ? ...mine is Hayden Summerall (obviously lol) , so don't forget to comment down below coz I wanna know the question of the chapter is... Whoes your celebrity crush!? Thanks for reading love y'all
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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