Chapter 3// flying high?✈️

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Hayden's P.O.V

So I've been talking to Annie for about a week and a half and I like her so much more so I talked to her mom yesterday about maybe flying in to Australia to meet her , her mom said it was a great idea and her mom is really nice she offered me and my family to stay at their house instead of a hotel which is great! I bought the plane tickets for me and my family and now we are just getting on the plane . I sat down on the plane and I did some school then I decided to post on my Instagram

HaydenSummerall:   1s ago

HaydenSummerall:   1s ago

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Likes❤️: 419 comments:8

HaydenSummerall✔️: 💜🤫


AnnieLeBlanc: naw you look so cute ! 💜😂😍

HaydenSummerall and 19 others liked this comment

HaydenSummerall✔️: @AnnieLeBlanc haha thanks bestie ! Your cute too!💜😂😍💜

Kenzie✔️: Awe does whittle Hayden have a cwush?👶🏻🤔😇🤨?

HaydenSummerall✔️: @Kenzie Shut Up Mackenzie 😒🙄😂

JohnnyOrlando✔️ :@Kenzie @AnnieLeBlanc @HaydenSummerall I agree with Kenz !🤫😎

DylanSummerall✔️ : @AnnieLeBlanc so your the girl Hayden never stops talking about!? 😂🤫💜😬🤭

AnnieLeBlanc and 13 others liked this comment

HaydenSummerall✔️: 😒🤨🤦🏻‍♂️

AnnieLeBlanc:@DylanSummerall oooo Hayden just got exposed! @HaydenSummerall 😂💜

*Still Hayden's P.O.V*

Once I saw Dylan's comment I looked at him since he was sitting next to me on the plane and I slapped him on the arm Dylan said " bro what was that for!? I'm sorry for telling the truth "I just rolled my eyes at him and scrolled through Annie's Instagram

Annie's P.O.V

I was looking through Instagram and for some weird reason my mom was setting up the guest bedrooms and cleaning the house a lot more than usual , I ignored it and continued to scroll through Instagram when I saw Hayden posted a new picture

*picture and post is above 👆🏼*

I laughed at all the comments especially Dylan's he seems pretty funny! I wish I could meet them but I'm just glad that I'm best friends with Hayden he is really sweet and nice and yeah

Hayden's P.O.V

*Skip 14 hours to when their plane lands*

So our plane just landed and it's 1:00am here in Melbourne I can't wait to meet Annie I'm so excited we went to baggage claim then waited because Mrs Katie said her husband was coming to pick us up from the airport we went and waited by the airport door then we saw a man holding up a sign saying " Summerall's" so we went up to him and said " were the summeralls ! I'm Hayden this is my mum Tisha, my dad Jimmy , my 3 brothers Jimmy jr , Hunter and Dylan "then he said " hello everyone I'm Annie's dad Billy "everyone said their "hello's" and we went to his car put our luggage in his trunk and we were off to meet Annie , I was getting more nervous and more nervous by the minute I checked the time and it was 1:39am and we pulled up to their house it was pretty big on the outside and it looked really nice we all got our luggage and went to the front door Billy was helping my dad and mom get the rest of the bags out from the trunk and he told me just to knock mrs Katie would open it for me , my hands started shaking and my palms were getting sweaty and after like a minute I slowly went to the door and knocked about 5 seconds later a nice looking lady opened the door she smiles widely and said "Hello you must be Hayden I'm Mrs Katie it's very nice to meet you!"and then I said "yep I'm Hayden it's very nice to meet you too! " Then I went in for a hug and she hugged me back ! she opened the door more for me to come in she said "just set your things here and we'll set up the sleeping arrangements as soon as you guys meet Annie , she's asleep right now but she's gets up around 1:55am to go to the bathroom which should me in 10 minutes , take a seat on the couch if you'd like "I thanked her and put my luggage in the living room and I sat on the couch as mrs Katie and my family greeted each other

a/n : btw guys Annie is an only child in this story!

Once my family came in and sat down we all talked for like 5 minutes when we saw a bedroom door open and I saw a beautiful , stunning girl walk out of the room she was wearing a grey tight crooped tank top and matching shorts , she walked out and I was about o run up to her and hug her when Dylan put his hand in front of me I looked at him confused then hen said " let her notice you first" I nodded and sat back down we waited about 1 mints when we hear the toilet flush and the sink tap running then she turned the bathroom light off and started walking back she said " Mom Dad why are all the lights on in the house?!"she was about to turn  the hall way light off when she saw me her eyes widened then her jaw dropped so low I think it was touching the ground then she looked around and saw my family and she started crying then she ran to her room  and I said "can I go in?" They said " of course "I went in the room and she covered her face with a pillow and she had tears coming out of her eyes and I tried getting the pillow out of her face but she said " nooo I don't have any make up on I look ugly"then I said " you don't ?"and she shook her head and I said " you look beautiful ! I thought you were wearing makeup !"and I slowly took the pillow out of her face to reveal a beautiful face with tears of joy coming out of her beautiful deep brown eyes and I said "can I at lest have a hug ?"while laughing and she's laughed too she wiped her tears and came closer to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put one hand around her waist and the other on her back and I hugged her tightly she was so happy and so was I and can I say she was so much more beautiful in person

a/n : Hey y'all ! I really hope you liked this chapter ! Of them meeting like I said drama will be happening soon just stay tuned I will try to update more often but I'm a very busy girl , I have to do a lot of things like

-help set up my church fundraiser

-take care of my dog

- go to dance

-go to voice lessons

And much more thank you to everyone who has stayed tuned for my book ! I promise I'll try harder to get more chapters done ! Don't forget to leave me some ideas because I love all of your ideas and leave constructive feedback on how I can improve ! love y'all !💜💜💜💜💜

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