Chapter 7// "I wish I got to you first"😔😭💜

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Hayden's P.O.V

When I saw that picture of Annie with that Austin guy that's all I could think of I had I mean I have really strong feelings for Annie she has the kindest soul, she beautiful,smart,talented,sweet,loving,caring , thoughtful and she has these beautiful eyes that you just get lost in , I love the way her hair blows in the wind in the most perfect direction her smile is just so beautiful and the way she scrunched up her nose when she smiles sometimes , I think I'm falling in love with her!

I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Annie to come home and while I was waiting I decided to post a picture on Instagram.

HaydenSummerall✔️ 20s ago

HaydenSummerall✔️      20s ago

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HaydenSummerall✔️: I Wish I Got To You First😢😔💜


Kenzie✔️: I was gonna make a smart ass comment but you don't look like your in the mood for it , I'm here if you wanna talk , you can always trust me😔🙂🖤

HaydenSummerall✔️: @Kenzie thanks kenz love ya bestie😔🖤 even though we're not together anymore your still one of my besties 😂🖤

Kenzie✔️: @HaydenSummerall love ya too bestie ! And I know you can't get rid of me😂🖤

JohnnyOrlando✔️: call me bro I'm always here if you wanna talk😔💚

HaydenSummerall✔️: @JohnnyOrlando thanks bro 😔💚

AnnieLeBlanc: awe what's up ? who do you wish you got to first? I'm 5 minutes away from home , I love you Hayden to the moon and back just remember that and I'll do anything I can to cheer you up , your one of the strongest and most thoughtful and loving boy in the world and I know you can get through anything and I'll be by your side if you tell me what's wrong!💜💜💜💜😔😔😔💜😔💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😊😘

HaydenSummerall✔️: @AnnieLeBlanc you..... when you get home I'll tell you everything , I love you to the moon and back too , thank you for always caring and being so amazing all the time you are one of the best things that have ever happened to me and I thank God everyday for blesssing me with such an angel like you 💜💜💜💜💜😊😘💜💜💜💜💜


When I wrote that to Annie I felt relieved to tell her but when she gets home I have to get ready for the questions and I'm gonna be completely honest with her ...

*5 minutes later*

I heard the door unlock and then I heard an angelic voice

A: Hayden I'm home!

H: I'm in the kitchen

A: k

When she walks in she has a huge smile on her face and so do I until I see ... that Austin guy walk in behind her , honestly my heart broke even more but Annie came and embraced me in a hug a tight comforting one and I obviously hugged her back her arms where on my back hugging me tight and my arms where around her shoulders , my head in her neck and her head on mine, I breathed in her sent she smelt amazing like always she pulled away and held both my hands in hers and said

A:ok let's talk

I honestly didn't want to talk infront of Austin at all so I looked at him and then back at Annie and said maybe later, she looked at me confused and then I think she caught on because she said

A: hey Austin maybe you should go

Au: uh ok I guess bye Annie

A: bye

Austin kissed her cheek and left my eyes were getting watery and a tear slipped out of my eye but I quickly wiped it . Austin left and then Annie looked back at me and saw me with watery eyes she ran up to me and wiped my tears and she held my hand and took me into the living room and sat me on the couch then she sat on my lap and I felt butterflies fill my stomach and I had a little smile on my face and so did she

A: ok talk to me

H: ok ... here it goes... Annie your the  girl I should've got to first was you , I saw the picture on Instagram with you and that Austin guy and it broke my heart , I've never felt this way about a girl, your special, your such a funny,cute,adorable,kind,sweet,loving,caring,thoughtful,talented beautiful,stunning and happy girl and Annie your just so perfect to me and I don't ever want any other girl than you I..I..I freaking love you Julianna Grace LeBlanc ...I'm sorry for acting like a selfish jerk and acting like this over another boy but I just can't help myself I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore because I've made you feel uncomfortable but I just had to te...

As I was saying this I saw tears coming out of Annie's eyes since she was on my lap I was staring at her the whole time I was saying this

when I was about to finish my sentence I got cut off by Annie smashing her lips onto mine I was shocked at first but I immediately started kissing her back her lips were so soft and smooth , both our lips moved in sync and I felt sparks , no I felt fireworks like we were the only people in the world the kiss was magical 

a/n : hello everybody I wrote this chapter because in most fanfics that I read people enjoy reading this kind of stuff so here it is , obpve never written something like this before lol so don't judge 😂 anyways I hope you are enjoying reading 🥀More Than Perfect🥀//Hannie please remember to comment ideas for me because I love hearing them and comment some constructive feedback for me also don't forget to follow my Instagram @summerallxpurple_ily also comment what you thinks gonna happen next I love ou babes always remember to celebrate life and love Hayden Summerall 😂

💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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