Chapter 12//🎶This Smiles For You🎶

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Annie's P.O.V
I ran all the way to my house and I went to my room and I cried my eyes out for hours when Dylan walked in the room
D:ANNIE?! What happened ?!
D:what did he do ?!
A: come sit
He came and sat in front of me on the bed and I started explaining to him what happened
A:so we went to the mall and we were hungry so we went to eat at the pancake parlour and I went to the bathroom when I came back there was this blonde girl who was pretty short with curly hair kissing Hayden...
D: Ruby... did Hayden kiss back?
A:well no... but he didn't pull away either
D: oh man , come here Ann's , I'm gonna beat him up
He came and sat next to me on the bed and I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me tightly as I cried into his chest
I couldn't stop crying and Dylan was just hugging me and cereasing my arm when I heard footsteps walk into the room , and I heard a deep breathe and I immediately knew who it was, it was Hayden , the boy that broke me
D:I'm gonna let you guys talk
A:please Dylan don't leave
D:just trust me
Dylan put me down and got up and walked out of the room and Hayden came and sat in front of me on the bed , I turned around so I wasn't facing the same way as me I grabbed my phone and I texted Kenzie , Hayden sighed
•texts between Annie and kenzie•
A:hi Mackenzie I heard you were on tour here in Australia do you think you could come past my house I really need a friends right now oh and BTW it's Annie LeBlanc
K:hey Annie I defiantly know who you are Hayden never stops talking about how perfect you are lol of course I can come over just send me your address and I'll be here in 5 minutes , is it ok if I bring Maddie and Johnny
A:of course you can bring them! My address is ************ thank you so much for making time to come past
K:no problem girly I'll be there in a few mins
A:k thanks again 💜
K: no problem 💜
•End of conversation•
H: Ann's please listen
A:it's Julianna to you ! And no I'm not gonna listen
H:fine Julianna please just let me explain
Just then the doorbell rang I knew it was Mackenzie
A:sorry 1 I don't want to talk to you ever again and 2 I have guest !
I got up and left I really did want Hayden back but I don't at the same time , seeing his face just broke me he's red puffy eyes and tear stained face all I could see was pure hurt in his eyes
I opened  the door to reveal Kenzie , Maddie  and Johnny
A:hi... thank you for coming
K,M&J : no problem
A:let's go to my room and talk
Everyone :ok
We started walking to my room and when we were all in I remembered that Hayden was still in there
Hayden looked up at us with tears coming out of his eyes and he looked confused to see Kenzie Johnny and Maddie
A: let's go somewhere else *with a shaky voice^
We all walked to he pagola that o have outside and we sat on the couch where the fire place and tv was
K:ok so what happened  girly and why was Hayden crying? That's like so rare to see
A:so it all started this morning , we went to the mall and we were hungry so we went to the pancake parlour and I went to the bathroom when I came back I saw this girl with blonde curly hair and she had brown eyes and she was pretty short I think Dyl said her name was Ruby I'm not sure but she was kissing Hayden
K:why does it matter tho , did you like him?
A:oh he didn't tell you?
A:well that post that he posted yesterday the "I wish I got to you first" it was towards me because he thought I liked Austin but I didn't like Austin so when I got home he told me this whole speech about how much he loves me and then...  he took me on this romantic date and it was so amazing he got down on one knee with a ring box and gave me a promise ring and asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes
K:OMGGGGGG YAY!! #Hannie! Wait AND Where's the promise ring?
A:...I took it off and gave it back to him and what a Hannie ?
J: Hannie is Hayden+Annie we made it up
A:oh haha
I looked down and I let a tear escape my eye
Johnny came and so did maddie and kenzie and they engoulfed me in a hug as I cried
K:where always here for you Annie
J:yeah always
A:thanks guys
E:your welcome
M:so I kind of have an idea
M:how about me kenz and Johnny sleep over here today?
A:that would be lovely
K:that's a great idea , and we all brought bags just in case because we always have unplanned sleepovers with people so we never know!😂
A: you guys are the best😂
J:we know , *fake hair flipps*
They all laugh , and talk a bit more
A:let's get in our pyjamas and then watch a movie then play games and go to sleep
J: I have one suggestion
A:what ?
J:let's let Hayden join, we all know he is hurting probably more than you right now because your actually smiling and he's in a room crying his eyes out , you don't even have to talk to him
A:well yeah, I mean even though he hurt me I still love him to death
A:shut up guys come on I'll go to the room and get my pyjamas on and tell Hayden to come
A:y'all are loud
The all giggle and Annie goes up to the room to see Hayden in the same position crying still, I go to my drawer and I get out a pair of black loser shorts and a Hayden Summerall merch hoodie , I pulled off my clothes ,  but I still had my underwear and bra on I slipped on the shorts and hoodie then grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped off my makeup I grabbed my stuffed animal purple sloth that Hayden bought me and I as him look at me a few times when I was getting changed and when I was taking off my makeup , I tapped him on the shoulder and he's head immediately shot up and he looked at me with a small side smile and red eyes and tear stained face I said
A:I'm watching a movie with kenz maddie and Johnny , wanna come , after the movie we're playing games then going to coming?
H:of course if that means I get to talk to you
A:you don't I only came to invite you that it
H:oh ok I guess
He got up and he pur on sweatpants and a white tshirt and followed me down the stairs
We got down and we watched the wizard of oz then we played uno and kiss Mary kill and a few other games then we went to bed I slept with kenzie and Maddie and Johnny and Hayden shared a bed I plugged in my h as phones and put on smiles for you, I played it
K:what r u listening to?
I showed her my screen that was playing smiles for you and she looked at it in awe then smiled and nodded I put the phone volume up all the way and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was
"🎶this smiles for you🎶" and hen I was alseep
Hey guys I hope your liking my story I'm sorry I have been so inactive I just have a lot in my plate, today is 1 year since my grandpa dies and it has been tough for me just please bare with me ! Remember to comment your ideas because I love hearing them and remember to leave constructive feedback on how I can improve my writing I love y'all to the moon and back!
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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