Chapter 50: Unexpected Caller

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It had almost been two weeks since the plan to kill Abaddon was set in motion. Crowley had some leads but it wasn't enough. There was nothing solid, and so many different pieces weren't lining up. You were all pretty certain most of the demons were feeding him lies because they decided to side with Abaddon in his absence. And that meant it was only a matter time before the plan backfired in a major way. You were trying to prepare yourself for the different scenarios that could happen.

There was one night you sat in the library with a plastic kid's cup from Denny's filled with whiskey. It was nearly two in the morning, so you were shocked to see Dean walking out in his dark t-shirt and boxer-briefs. He gave you a confused look.

"You drinking chocolate milk or something?"

You gave him a tired smile and shut your laptop. "Whiskey. I need to do the dishes..."

He chuckled and sat in the chair next to you. "I thought you said you were going to be going to bed hours ago?"

You stared down into your half-emptied cup and sighed. "I was going to." You didn't feel like explaining that you were beginning to worry. You were going stir crazy just sitting around in wait, wondering what was going to happen and coming up with worst-case-scenarios.

"Come to bed. You need to get some sleep."

"Are we ever going to figure this out?"

Deans brows furrowed and you looked at him earnestly as your thoughts tore you apart. Were you ever going to find Abaddon? Was Crowley really helping, or was he just screwing you over and doing the bare minimum. You didn't want to know Abaddon was still galivanting around, terrorizing who knows what. You wanted her dead. You wanted her to pay for the pain she caused you, both the physical and emotional.

"Of course, we will. You just got to give it some time."

"How much time. It's been two weeks."

Dean stood up behind you and rested his hands on your shoulders, working out the knots. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back. It felt relaxing to have him massage your tired soldiers, and it was this moment you realized just how sleepy you were. Maybe snuggling under some covers wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.

"You know there isn't a time frame on this. But c'mon," he said. "It's time for bed."

You chuckled, feeling like a child being scolded for still being awake. Dean kissed the top of your head and you stood with a smile. It was incredible how much your relationship with Dean had developed over the past several months. Not paying attention to the man walking by your side, you turned to your door and started to open it.

"I was thinking something more along the lines of you sleeping with me," Dean said from behind you.

With a grin, you stood to your tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I thought you'd never ask."


The phone you placed on the nightstand beside Dean's bed rang you out of your peaceful slumber. With blurry eyes, you checked the ID and didn't recognize it.

"Hello?" Dean rolled over on his side and gave you a questioning look that you answered with a shrug.


Your body sprang from the bed, leaving your head dizzy. But it didn't matter. Nothing in that moment mattered more than the person on the other end of the phone call. Your body began to tremor. Dean came up behind you in a matter of seconds and wrapped his arms around your middle. You couldn't seem to find your words.

"Are you still there?" the boy asked.

"Um, yeah. Yeah I'm here," you stammered. "Is this—are you Becket?"

He cleared his throat and said yeah almost like he was ashamed or something.

Dean kissed your cheek and whispered, "I'll give you some time." But you grabbed his arm to stop him from removing himself from you.

Please stay, you mouthed to him. He pulled you back to the bed and forced you sit, keeping his arm around you.

"Becket is everything okay?" It had been so long since you heard his voice. He was so young when you left him at Fred's house, and even though he was older now, he still sounded like your baby cousin, only more mature. Your heart ached at all of the parts of his life you missed out on. You left him with no real family to experience his milestones with.

"I—I don't know. Fred kept your number pinned up on the fridge but made it very clear that I should never call you unless I felt like something was wrong or I needed help. So...I guess, I mean I don't know."

You bit your lip hard to steady your shaky breaths. Whether he was going to admit it or not, something was clearly wrong. If Fred told him not to call you unless he needed to, then...something was bound to be amiss. "What's going on?"

"Fred's been acting really weird lately. I know I sound stupid and like a scared little kid, but..."

"Weird how?" you prompted.

"It's hard to explain and I don't even know why I'm calling because how would you even help," he trailed.

"Becket, listen to me. No matter what, no matter how small or stupid you think it is, I need you to tell me what's going on. I can either put your mind at ease or come out to try to help."

He blew out a long breath of air. "Okay. He's just been very terse lately, like he can't even stand to be around me. And he's been out late a lot. When he is home, I think he's drunk. It's just not like Fred. At all. And I'm kinda worried about him."

"It's probably nothing, but why don't you text me your address and I'll be out to check it out and be certain."

"No, like you said, it's probably nothing. I don't want to trouble you."

"I could use a little time away. Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing you," you said, knowing well that you were likely putting more danger on him by paying him a visit. Especially with all of the Abaddon and Crowley stuff going on. But then what if something really was wrong? You didn't even want to chance it.

"Okay," he said quietly. "I guess I'll see you seen."

"Sounds like a plan. And Becket,"


"I love you."

"Yeah, uh, love you too."


"So, are you guys gonna be down for a road trip?" you asked Dean sheepishly.

"Everything good?"

You shrugged. "I really don't know. Probably, but I have to check it out and be sure. Even if you guys don't want to come—"

Dean stopped you with a gentle kiss on the temple. "I'll go tell Sam and Charlie to pack."

You smiled gratefully at him. After spending so much time with them both, you weren't sure you ready to go on an extended trip without them. Besides, the last time you did that things didn't go so well. You liked the security you felt from having the brothers at your side, and maybe this would be a fun trip with the crazy variable called Charlie.

She was a person you quickly took a liking to. She was weird, but that was the best part about her. She was unapologetically herself, and you admired her for that. She brought a lighter element to any atmosphere. She just had a way of brightening the moods of everyone. She could be an essential key on a road trip and help disperse any arguments brought on by fatigue and stress.

You laughed at yourself for thinking about Charlie as the mediator between the stubborn personalities of you and the boys. Maybe you would have to convince her to stick around.

With that thought you ran to your room to start shoving clothes in your bag as you waited for the text from Becket to come through. Oh, how you hoped everything was okay.

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