Chapter 1 {Y/N}

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I follow Shinsuke along the hallway as we move towards the entrance of the ship, open for us to exit. Some crew members hurry before us ahead to fill out their various assigned tasks.

We finally reach Kyoto, docking somewhere at the edge of the harbor where the wilderness grows untended so that if viewed from the center part where most ships land, we seem like any other vessel, waiting to load cargoes and passengers.

I keep my gaze on the familiar back, covered by a dark haori with gold curvy patterns. A straw hat rests above his head as his amethystine hair glows within the dimly lit corridor.

Light blooms bright and extreme when we near the entrance. And the minute Shinsuke steps aside from my view, I'm met with a scenery composed of different shades of orange, yellow, red and green. The sent of grass and nature fills my nostril in a pleasing swipe as the breeze gathers. I stare in awe at the maple trees growing otherwise untamed but capable of holding a beauty within the wilderness. The red and orange leaves fall to the ground just inches before my face.

"It's so beautiful!" I squeal in delight, inhaling the refreshing air. I've been in the city in Edo for all my life and never had a chance to properly view the extended beauty nature emits during mostly all the seasons. Somewhere from inside a group of trees, I hear birds chirping.

I turn to where Shinsuke is standing and he in turn gives me a questioning look. I send him a silly smile.

"Let's go," he says, not giving me any time for my trivial indulgent. I quicken my pace to match his as we stride along the earthen pathway between the flame-tainted maples into the city beyond.

By having his initial plans to follow, the captain intends to get some information whether his objective still remains in the city. After the upheld festival in Kyoto, it's not a surprise if the Shogun decides to return to his protective shelter under the wings of the puppet masters in Edo. And so, I volunteered to be his companion for the journey and succeeded through his obstinate decision of going alone with my own persisting stubbornness.

The sound of twigs snapping underneath my steps brings my attention back on the road. The wilderness around us thins as we approach nearer to the mouth of the port. Murmurs of conversation drift across like the gentle breeze in gentle glides.

Shinsuke pulls his hat lower as we slow to a stop just a distance away before the road exposes us to the crowd ahead.

"Once you finished buying whatever you want," he says without looking at me, "return back to the ship without me."

I glance suspiciously at him. "Why?" When he doesn't answer and pretends to scan the crowd, I add, "Don't tell me you're going to cause trouble now in bright daylight."

His eye slides back to me, a flat look that would send his crew scurrying to their orders without a break to breathe. I've seen it too much for it to have an effect.

"That, and besides," I assert care-freely, "I'm not really familiar with this place. I might get lost." That, is not entirely an exaggeration. What little hours I had within the city were spent on scurrying away from my previous clingy comrades and lieutenant.

"I'll send someone to look for you if that's the case," Shinsuke responds without a hint of affection. Avoiding my face, he steps ahead and carries down the road.

I can't keep the urge to glare at him as I make sure to keep that look on my face until my stare impales holes into his back and pulls him to a stop few feet away. I don't move an inch until he decides to turn around.

"What?" He returns my glare. Behind him, I notice some of the folks are casting curious glances towards our direction but I keep my focus defiantly on the person before me. A full minute passes before he gives up and sighs irritatingly to himself. "Fine. I'll go and look for you."

Gintama; Takasugi x reader (Finale) [Take Me With You]Where stories live. Discover now