Chapter 2 {Y/N}

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     "Welcome," greets us a beautiful, uniformed young lady. Her dark eyes shine like the gemstones and diamonds that catch light in every corner of the shop. I continue to pull the captain beside me until we're in the middle of the otherwise uncrowded room.

I smile brightly at the lady, my attention half on the patrols outside. Have they pass yet? I search for Shinsuke's gaze and he too has his glued outside.

The vendor's gentle voice speaks again and captures my full attention. "Please relate to me what sort of ornaments you would like today, miss. Are you are looking perhaps for wedding rings?" I almost snort. The lady continues with sincerity. "Or perhaps a wedding gift for a friend or," her youthful eyes move to Shinsuke, hoping for his attention. "A wedding gift for a beautiful bride?"

I restrain from snorting at the repetitive use of the decisive term. I intend to raise my hand and politely state that we're simply here to look, but the captain beats me to it.

     "Emm," he utters lowly. All humor drains from my face. I release his elbow and snap to face him.

     "R-really?" I whisper to make sure, half unconvinced that he's conscious on what he's said. He then turns to face me, wearing an unreadable expression I hardly ever get to see. And it pushes the beat of my heart to race faster at the odd, silly thought that's solidifying.

His face clears to vagueness. "Really what?"

I resist an attempt to smack him again, while trying to convince myself that the slight hurt results from something else.

     "How wonderful!" the young lady exclaims vibrantly, certainly not understanding the situation. "Please, come this way." She leads us deeper into the organized labyrinth-like room and strides behind a glass counter to show us her product.

I follow her without a thought, my arm somehow finding the captain's elbow again. At least he doesn't complain.

At first it's just a distraction from the outside guards but later on as the vendor introduces more of her exquisite jewelry, I start to adore a certain necklace at rests at the inner corner of the counter she's standing behind. It has a beautifully plain amethyst designed into the shape of a teardrop with small diamonds outlining the stone.

I stand and stare at it for a full minute before the lady catches my objective and unlock the counter to bring the necklace for me to see.

     "You have a wonderful taste, young miss," she gladly expresses, putting the necklace case on the counter. "I'm quite certain it'll look marvelous on you. And it matches your husband's attire." She smiles and glance at Shinsuke, who's quietly studying the jewelry.

But we're not even close to being married, I want to say but keep quiet. Considering his silence, I avert my gaze to the captain, wondering if he's present with me at all. Then he looks to the vendor.

     "How much is that?" he asks her, surprising me.

     "It is 91,724 yen," she replies after looking at the price tag.

I fight to keep my face neutral. Wonderful taste indeed. I get lost in my own thoughts at how many days I would have to work my old job at the restaurant back in Edo to be able to get that income.

     "We'll take that," Shinsuke's voice startles me after a moment of thoughtful silence.

I look wide-eyed to him. "Huh?"

He simply nods to the lady and she proceeds to the business. "I thought you want it," he says to me it like it's the most obvious thing.

     "I do, but," I admit, air filling my mind instead of words. "But...but not now." What should I say? I want it as a future-to-buy-list? I want it but I don't mean that you have to buy it for me? I stand, looking silly and lost for words for a second. "You don't need to buy it for me. It's not an immediate need."

Gintama; Takasugi x reader (Finale) [Take Me With You]Where stories live. Discover now