Chapter 6 {Hitotsubashi Nobunobu}

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     Steam. Created as a result of a mere change of temperature in liquid, rising high to the atmosphere before becoming of something bigger. And the more heated tea is being poured into a cup, the more visible the steam becomes.

It is no different than people. The more they gather and unite, the louder their voices and wishes reverberate and therefore born into a living want and desperate need. But where would those united prayers end up reaching to? As the one who stands atop of them all, is it my destined duty to hear all of those who beg to be heard? Is the power all within me to grant what is wished? If so, would choices upon my making be rightful as they do to satisfy all?


No matter how many times I grant wants and wishes, people are born of greed, and greed leads to greater greed, creating an never-ending circle of the notoriety of human nature.

So as the one who is to inevitably make decisions, a decision will be made despite of all circumstances of dilemma.

I take the elaborated lid that is set beside the porcelain cup, cover the mouth of the china, and just like that, the steam, the wishes of the people, have been closed away.

That, would be the decision I would have come upon as the leader.

A shuffle takes my attention to the balcony. The doors to it have been entirely open, exposing the view of the city around me like chess pieces. And I, the king in the middle of the monochromic board, is surrounded by pawns, all at my disposal.

The shuffle comes again, carried by the winds of late autumn like hisses of air. I keep my attention fixed to the balcony as the breeze rustles a second time. Then the shuffle visualizes to blur of movement as it carries a current of cool wind into the room.

The next thing I come to realize, is that a tip of a blade is pointed directly to my face. The metal glints from the lights of the chandeliers.

I trail my eyes along the body of the blade to the pale wooden hilt held by a potent hand. I slide my gaze up to the holder of the sword.

Another wild rat.

     "As expected from a country rat," I say, taking my focus back to the tea set on the low table. "Has security become too tight to breathe for you to scurry all the way here for air?" The blade edges closer and I turn to it, meeting a gaze. "Takasugi Shinsuke."

He simply smirks, holding his sword still and unwavering. "More or less," he says. "I figure this place to be tighter to breathe than the rest, but apparently, air seems overflowing here."

     "Oh? You're saying that this castle, the very place I live in, would allow a mice to scurry around unnoticed?" I remain in my position, guessing how many sentinels are stationed at the other side of the door. "With a flick of my hand, I can have your head rolling here and now."

The rebel remains silent. The amused expression on his face taunts me to do what I just said. I smile at his insolence.

So I add, "But that wouldn't be interesting." I take my eyes off the ivy-pattern doors and set them on the rebel's dangerous gaze. "Rest easy," I openly assure. "For you to come all the way here to see me, I am more interested in your motive."

He flashes another menacing smile before withdrawing his sword from my face. "Then we're quick to the chase." A light click sounds when the blade enters the scabbard. My muscles relax without my notice.

     "I've heard that the government is up to something lately," the rebel begins, pacing at a distance from me. "And whatever they intend to do, Edo will be their place of conduct. But one thing that doesn't match is that," he stops and turns to me, "they have you here and instead enforce security in this city." His singular eye bears the unspoken threats. "Mind to explain?"

I invent a smile as levelly as his a moment ago. "Some interesting information you have gotten yourself. Now I'm curious as to where had you hear it."

I see the tip of his lips quirks before he turns away and walks to door of the balcony. He doesn't step out but stays dangerously close to be spotted by one of the guards on ground. "A mice does cooperate with other mice after all," is all he allows.

I laugh his at lenient demeanor despite being virtually surrounded by enemies, all eager for his head. "It's very unfortunate that we're on different sides," I amuse, and adjust my position to face his back. "As for your effort to reach an information as you stated and actually came here to confirm your thoughts, I am well impressed. I shall tell you something in return."

He leans at the balcony door frame, listening. I admit the plan that has been told to me this recent. "You are sharp, Takasugi-kun, and it is as what you might have guessed. My presence here is simply to avert attention and install confusion. Until everything is set up, that is."

     "Set what up?" he asks from the distance. His eye searching mine, as if to read if lies are being presented. I answer his question to assure him.

     "A war." His brows knit together. "They are going to start a war, in which to make the Tendoushuu reigns supreme."

     "So they aren't satisfied with their current control. Because there are rats scurrying under their nose?"

      "As expected from the nation's top criminal. Yes, you are indeed correct," I affirm, finding this conversation truly worth the time to spend talking. It kills the dullness of my time spending in this wide yet empty room. Or is it only time it kills?

I suppress a quirk of my own lips and continue. "They are conducting a war and the cause to ignite it, to public eyes and ears at least, will be pushed upon your heads, the rebellion factions."

The rebel stays intently quiet for a moment, considering the news. His expression betrays nothing of his thoughts.

     "So basically, they're pushing all the blame to us all the while trying to appeal for support from the citizen that a war is the best choice to invade danger and fear, also possibly more wars in the future," he concludes, and pushes off the the door frame. After a moment, an amusing chuckle resonates from where he stands paces away from the balcony. "To say that the world is corrupted on its own," he amuses, staring out to the city beyond.

     "Nothing is corrupted if not done by the hands of us humans," I say before turning to the closed doors in front of me. "Some humans strive for perfection in sculpting a country while others are striving to destroy that ideal, simply because they do not believe in such stated exists." I glance to the rebel, his back still facing me. "They are the ones who I call stains and dirt on the pure white ideal of perfection. And therefore they should be erased once and for all. Guards, take his head!"

The entrance doors exploded to dozens of sentinels flowing into the room. Their weapons glint as they march across the room toward the rebel. Without showing a trace of surprise at the attack, he turns around with a pure of look a battle-beast as he decapitates the head of first guard to reach him.

The room bursts to a battlefield with cries of fight. How it disgraces me to learn that the cries only result from my own men. The rebel dances through battle with fierce strength and experience. He darts across the room, his bloody blade held firm. Then in the next second, all the remaining guards crumple to the floor, creating a massive pool of blood. The room is spacious enough to leave me untouched by the fight.

     "Guards!" I bark to the door, remaining indifferent in my seat.

More of them overflows the room, weapons ready to kill. I turn to the rebel and see him flashes me another derisive smile before he leaps to the door and disappears beneath the balcony.

     "Get him! Don't let him escape!" one of the guards in the room barks, the others ready to leap off the balcony.

     "Let him!" I order over the chaos. The guards halt further movement and turn to me.

The stench of blood holds thick and lingers in the empty room. I convince myself that the next time, his blood will be among my men.

     "Let him scurry to his tiny group," I say loud enough for everyone to hear. A smile forms in the mist of an afterward battle. "Everything is as planned."

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