Chapter 50 [Haze and Snow]

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Dear Commander,

I'm writing to you once again because I'm sure you would be overjoyed just as I am to hear what I'm about to tell you next.

Over the weeks, Suguru-san has been devoting his entire time in his lap, researching for a way to let Y/N regain consciousness. And through his efforts, Commander, he finally found a way to revive Y/N!

I believe he mentioned something about the term "embalming." If I remember correctly, embalming is the art of delaying decomposition and is used to preserve the natural appearance of a deceased's remains. It would prevent the deceased from decaying until their respective funerals, but if treated with proper care, this method could keep the remains intact for an indefinite time using embalming fluids.

Though it pains me to address Y/N as such, her body now is sustained only by the icicle cold of the cryogenic preservation to obstruct decomposition. However may the Blood can keep her alive, there is too little amount for it to regenerate her body anew and far too precious for us to try for attempt's sake. Should it prove fruitless is one thing, but even if it did work, our human body cannot withstand the foreign flow within our veins, eventually leading our cells to their inevitable state: decomposition. That is, Y/N's former state before she was rendered unconscious.

Thus, Suguru-san affirmed of the embalming method and spent further research on bringing out a new composition of the embalming fluids. I'm not so certain of the details, but to put it simply, I think he has found a way of the art for living. Reusing the formulas of the original components, he will amend it to befit a living human instead of the deceased.

I could not hold my excitement when I heard this and wrote to you as soon as I could. Very soon enough, Suguru-san will get the things he needs and cure Y/N. Therefore Commander, please hurry back to us. I have heard nothing from you ever since my first letter. Yamanashi is such a remote place I can barely get words on anything that could be happening elsewhere. All we can do now is believe and hope that you will return to us once everything is settled.

No matter how many cycle the seasons change, we will always await you.

Highest regards,

Ayano Yokade

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