Chapter 39 {Y/N}

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     I descend the stairs as quietly and carefully as I possibly can. With both of my hands occupied, I have to descend without holding the railing to soften my step, and each step feels like something is going to stick out of my back. I wince silently when I finally reach the ground.

The house is silent, not a kind of dead silence but a living silence that implies my parents are soundly resting in their room, which is next to mine on the second floor. Any trace of light has been extinguished. The darkness is so packed I can barely see the stairs when I leave it.

I slowly move to the door. Then casting another glance into the pitch blackness inside with the certainty that my escape is unknown of, I reach for the door handle with one hand that's holding a pile of clothes, step out, and carefully shut the door again.

Cool night air greets my whole form the second I'm out. I let out a held breath. The road is quiet, the rows of buildings exiting on either side are drown out in black by the late night. The quietness of the area remains undisturbed by any ruckus but the sound of eerie crickets. There's only source of light. The lamplight provided by the public lamp polls along the street stretch to all parts of the city.

Hugging the clothes to my body, I try to see across the distance to the Terminal. Thanks to the black sky, it's easy to make out the white smoking that's still steaming up from somewhere there. I spot another sight of smoke, unfurling dangerously near where I live. If the battle's still occurring, then I'm sure I'd hear the noises. That's probably leftovers of the fight from the evening. 

I begin to walk, thinking of the route I should take. Alleyways shouldn't be necessary this time. Better taking open roads than sneak around and get caught. So following the trail of light, I make my journey to the port. At my left hand comes the rattling sound of my sword as I move faster.


My ears become less muted when I can hear the first signs of noise as I near the harbor. My wound thumps even faster than my heartbeat, weighing my swiftness but doesn't really slow me down. I keep to the shades and shadows, trying to move as though I'm one of their essence.

Wearing pants proves to make the job easier too, during this times like this. It's a good thing I chose it over the black kimono I planned to wear. The raven shirt covering my body now also allows more air to flow in, cooling down the heat of my back. This might be the first time I'm really pleased about modern clothing.

I make my way to the last sight of tree I can see before the area extends to the property of the port. There, I lay my spare clothes down and tuck it close to the tree. The color of the kimono is too pale for it to blend in the dark. But I guess I won't leave it here for too long for others to take notice. Standing up, I walk into the cargo-filled territory.

Groups of amanto soldiers are scouting the vast area. I hear their rowdy voices long before having to encounter them. Their conversation echoes through the huge cargo boxes that line the ground, creating multiples ways with turns.

Maintaining quietness in this resonating place is difficult, concerning of the granite ground and how my sandals are hard to not produce crushing sound whenever I move. I guess I don't need to creep here.

Dim light comes of ahead of me. Following it are silhouettes of about three amantos as they approach from opposite direction. I hastily look for another turn. Through the dark, I see a dim space between two cargo containers twice my size that's big enough for me to squish between. I race for it.

Just as I'm about to hiss out in pain when my back grazes against the corner of the container through my rush, the source of light sharpens and the footsteps of the scouts come near. I adjust my body in the cramped space, smelling of rusted iron and sweat, so that my head faces the open way and let me see the amantos passing.

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