Chapter 9 {Y/N}

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     I slam the bathroom door shut. Turning my back to it, I lean and slide soundlessly to the floor. My heartbeat beats too fast beyond signs to be controlled, making me choke on my own blood. I suppress a painful urge to cough again, pressing my hands tighter around my mouth and the wounded one on my chest, attempting to soothe my breathing. The cut on my palm stings at sudden movements.

A lurk goes up to my throat, expelling an abrupt strangled sound and carries blood behind its wake. Crimson oozes out from between my fingers and drips to the ground in tiny terrifying drops.

I remain fixed on the floor for a long moment all the while trying to force back the aching need to cough and keeping blood that's constantly trickling from my mouth from staining my clothes. When the urge subsides, I shakily remove my hand from my mouth, allowing myself the scent of soaps rather than just the iron stench of blood.

I wipe the remaining remnants of blood on my lips and tilt my head to the paper-screen door I'm leaning against. How I wish it to be transparent for this while, but transparent only from my side. My heart jolts again when I remember Shinsuke entering the room as soundless as Kikyo. I thought he'd be on the deck.

I release a shuddering breath, reminded of how he looked at me when he came in. Did he see it? If he didn't, then what excuse, what lies, am I going to make judging from the way I've bolted in here like a startled cow? How long am I going to need lies to cover up for my condition?

How long will I last?

I push past all the questions and use my regaining strength to stand steadily. Thankfully, the previous dizziness I feel when I wake is now gone and my body finally acts the way I beg it to.

I step around the dots of blood painting the floor inelegantly. After casting one glance to the door, I quickly proceed to clean up the mess. If Shinsuke is still waiting for me to explain, which I bet he will, I better think of something convincing, and quick.


I peer out from the bathroom, half expecting to meet with a piercing gaze, glaring at me to gouge out the truth from my mouth. But air in the room is free without tension. I slide the door aside and step out.

The space has been organized; the mattresses that were laid on the floor are now back in the wooden closet at a corner of the room. Did the captain busy himself from wanting to demand answers right away? An amused quirk lifts my lips.

I head to the door leading to the other room, but not leaving the current one without putting on a natural facial expression. I can only hope he won't see through the slight panic that's now arising in my chest.

I gently open the door, certain this time that I will meet with a piercing gaze glaring at me. I step out to the other room, not pampering my eyes to look straight for him, and take my time in closing the door. I draw out a big breath, calm my fluttering heart, and turn to face whole room.

Shinsuke is seated against a wall next to the window. I can see the glittering ray of sunlight that's beginning to reach over the horizon. The captain watches my every movement intently and quietly as I proceed to settle beside him like I always do. And like the usual, a cup of warm tea sits on the low brown table in front of us.

I gratefully reach out for the tea, wrapping my fingers around the cup and try not to wince when I forget about the cut. I feel the captain's gaze burning at the side of my face. Is he waiting for me to explain? Or does he already know...

I lift the teacup absent-mindedly to my mouth and take a small sip. The silence in the room is slowly suffocating me more than any of my attempts to hold back coughs earlier. Shinsuke is mostly silent throughout the days, not unless I start to tease him, but this silence is quite...

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