chapter six

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At first all I could here was silence.

Silence was a language that was unfamiliar to me and it confused me to no end. All the words seemed to sound the same and they seemed to sneak up on me like a warm evening breeze.

Even though I was unacquainted with this mysterious sound I found a sense of home in it, a sense of comfort. It was like I was laying on a soft cloud. That's the only way I can think of to describe it. It was all around me, engulfing me whole and in that moment I thought to myself that there couldn't have been a better way to die.

Out of nowhere appeared a light and that was meant to be the sign wasn't it? It wasn't a tunnel with an alluring glow at the end. Nor was it a mysterious hallway with light peeping out of a slightly open door it was simply a light.

It floated down towards me and got bigger as it went, swaying from side to side as if it was a magical glowing chandelier about to come crashing down on me. I felt so many emotions as I watched it- mostly excitement. I was never so ready for something my whole entire life.

I closed my eyes, or at least I tried to but for some reason, I couldn't. So there I was, numb. Watching what looked to be like a massive chandelier falling on me and the excitement I had just felt quickly turned to fear.

Just as it got to my face there was a flash and there was a different light hanging above my head.

"Ivy are you okay?"

I gasped as the feeling in my body started to run back into me along with all my other senses. My heart was audible again and I was almost disappointed to hear it's steady beat. I wanted nothing more than to rip it out of my chest and watch it drum to a halt. My body was still tingling with fear.

I had never felt something so intense.

"Ivy, Ivy how are you feeling?"

My sight was still slightly obscure but I could definitely tell by the voice that it was my Mom speaking. I turned my head in the direction of her voice and as my body re-calibrated itself her face began to come into focus. She lifted one of her hands and stroked the side of my face with it, radiating warmth.

"What happened?" I asked her, my voice hoarse.

"A handsome young man brought you home yesterday - your friend Toby? He said you had collapsed on the street when you were on the way home."

That made sense. As much as I hated him for lying to me I was glad he hadn't told my Mom what had really happened. I had to thank him for that one later.

"Why did you collapse honey, didn't you eat yesterday?"

"I did, I-I just didn't drink that much water yesterday I was probably dehydrated," I said playing along.

"Ivy you really need to look after yourself."

Her eyes were sad and her usual bright sea blue eyes were now a dull, dusty grey.

"I know Mom, I will."

"No Ivy I'm serious. You're my only child I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

I didn't say anything. I just looked at her and she looked so tired. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hair chocolate brown hair was messy and knotty.

She really deserved a break.

"So I've got the day off today so... I was thinking...we could have a girly day and cuddle up on the sofa with some popcorn and watch a film?" she sort of mumbled to herself. "But you don't have to if you don't want're probably still a bit tired an-"

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