chapter twenty-one

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Tobys POV

I sprint as fast as I can, not caring if Emma has fallen behind or not, all I need is to see Ivy and explain. 

I reach her house and slow down, and a tired Emma finally caught up, out of breath.

"What if she hates me, Emma? I won't be able to live with myself." I pant to her

"Toby, how could anyone hate you? I'm sure if we explain she will understand." Emma comments.

"You're right, let's do this," I say, already halfway to Ivy's door.

I bring my and up to the door and knock three times, 30 seconds go by and there's no response. I start to feel anxious and my palms become sweaty, and then I feel a hand grasp mine, I look from the hand to Emma's face and force a weak smile to my face.

"Everything will be fine, okay?" Emma says assuringly.

And if things couldn't get any worse, Ivy opens the door and sees Emma and I hand in hand. I quickly snatch my and away from Emma.

"Ivy it's so great to see you, I've missed you so much," I say.

I notice Ivy's face and she looks so broken, more then before she left, she quickly puts a fake smile on her face.

"It's nice to see you too, what brings you here?" Ivy questions us both.

"I want to apologize," I state firmly "Yeah me too." Emma jumps in.

"For what? There's nothing to apologize for, you guys a clearly together and that's okay, I was gone for a couple of months, so it's fine." Ivy says clearly faking everything she says as tears brim her eyes.

"No Ivy that's-" Ivy cuts me off, "Look you guys should go, I'm really tired. You guys don't have to lie to me, I'm happy for you guys, you deserve each other." She takes a break before saying her last words, "Goodbye guys, I'll see you around maybe." And then she shuts the door.

My heart races and it hurts, why do I fuck everything up? Tears pour out of my eyes and I do nothing to stop them as I sit down on Ivy's front doorsteps.

"Maybe we can date? I mean what's stopping us? Ivy already thinks we are." Emma states

"Emma get it through your thick skull! I don't like you like that, okay?! I love Ivy! I love her so much that it hurts and it hurts, even more, knowing I've just fucked up even more and probably missed my chance." I practically yell at her. And breathe out a sigh as I here Emma whimpering.

"Look, Emma, I'm sorry, okay? I don't want to be with you because my heart belongs to Ivy." I let out.

"You really mean that?" My heart races and I look behind me to see Ivy with tears streaming down her face.


Sorry for not updating a lot guys, I've just been really busy and had writer's block.

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