chapter eighteen

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Emmas POV

Here I am in a hospital for my ex-best friend, who would've thought? Definitely not me. I'm currently waiting for Toby to finish talking to Ivy, so I can, I just really need to apologise to her, I was such a bitch and I don't even deserve her forgiveness if I even get it, she knows how to hold a grudge. 

I hear a door open and I lift my head to see Toby walking out with a smile across his face. "What's got you so happy?" Seeing him smile made me smile.

"She forgave me" He replies holding his grin on his face as mine drops, she forgave him? Why? She always holds grudges.

"That's great!" I try my best to be happy but all I feel is confused and hurt, why would I be hurt? I'm not even sure myself.

"Yeah! I've got a date with her as well!" That when my heart dropped, my smile then my heart? I mean come on! I didn't realise Toby and Ivy had a thing or that they liked each other, gosh I'm such an idiot, now I feel bad for trying to flirt with him.

"That's amazing, I'm sorry about before, I didn't realise you guys liked each other and stuff, I swear if I knew I would've backed off but I didn't, I'm really sorry" I apologize and I truly meant it.

"It's alright, don't stress, go in and talk to her and good luck" He replies.

I quickly smile at him and stand up and continue towards the door of Ivy's hospital room. I slowly open the door and make my way towards her.

"Hey Ivy," I say quietly

"Emma." She says rather rudely 

"Look, Ivy, I'm sorry about what I did, I only pushed you away so I could heal myself, I was going through such a rough patch in my life and I didn't want it hurting you although me pushing you away hurt you. I'm an idiot okay? I'm just so sorry, please forgive me" I look directly into her eyes while my eyes glaze over with tears and my lip begins to tremble.

"Emma it's okay, I get it, at first I was angry and upset at you but I understand now okay? It just hurt the way you did it, we could've talked it out but it was just so sudden and rude of you, but you're forgiven." She says gently and I squeal.

"But just answer one thing" My heart begins to race when those words fell out of her mouth, 

"Of course what is it?"

"Why did you try and flirt with Toby?" She was confused and possibly hurt and I don't blame her.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you guys liked each other I just thought you guys were friends, plus I heard you got a date with him, huh?" I wink at her and she giggles.

"I've missed this" She whispers "Me too" I whisper back, we then proceeded to catch up a laugh with each other. I truly did miss this and us.


What should happen next?

Also sorry for the POV change happening a lot, it'll probably be in most of Ivy's POV for the rest of the book. 

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