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Aleisha's POV:



Its been two years since Luke and I broke up and its been two years also after that I got pregnant by him. We decided to broke up cause he was going to be famous and a lot of tours he was going every year or months. And besides I know its hard but I don't want people will criticize me just because we had a relationship to each so we decided to stop our relationship. I know its not easy to forgot about what our love is, but I need to accept it and start about my new life as being a teenage mom or a single mother to my growing up daughter.

Well, after Luke and I broke while he was on the tour. I found out that I'm pregnant, I decided not to tell him or nor to his family cause I know his career will be broken or his family will be mad at me. If i would tell Luke, his fans will be mad at me. I'm scared that each and everyday people will keep saying bad at me and to my baby too.

So I moved to New Zealand and start a new life their with my daughter. And I'm trying to forget about Luke's and I past relationship.

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