NOT Day three: How more fucked up could this get?

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Before the chapter starts, I just wanted to say, thank you for the comments, for the votes, for all the shit that makes a writer proud. On to the confusion of this book.

When I wake up, I don't really know or care where I am, I just see it's dark as Satan's lair, and I can't see three feet in front of my face. But what I do know is it's comfortable and there are arms wrapped around my waist and someone breathing onto the back of my head. I flip over and see a smirking Gerard. Ah, shit I'm in his bed.

"Morning, you." Fuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk!!!!!! Why, God? Why? He was giving me a flirtatious look. "You look sexy with bed-head, y'know?" Screw you, Gerard.

"Uh, okay...?" Can anyone please cue the stupid cricket noise so this gets more awkward. Please, feel free at anytime, piss all over my parade why don't you? I was looking for Shadow,  until I realized, this isn't the hotel. "Where are we?"

"Ohio. Not to far from the Western border." No way. Shut up.  The one place to go to you choose the one place I didn't want to go. Thanks, my parade has officially been pissed on. "I was trying to get back to California,  but I had to stop, we'd been four days-" I stopped him there.

"I was out for four days? And we're in Ohio. I've got family here you know? A large chunk of my family. Ugh!!" I untangle myself and stand. I walk towards the door, looking for a bathroom. I realize that it's just me and him in a room together. Nononononononononono. NO. NO. NOOOO!!!!

"Gerard... Where's Shadow?" I ask forgetting about the bathroom. All I'm worried about id the fact that I could have a Way baby living in my belly.

"Present!" yelled a voice from the other side of the door. Shadow walks in with a tray of cups and toast. I realize that I'm starving and dive for the toast. I pick up a piece and forget to savor any of it. I grab a cup and take a sip, only to spit it back out.

"What is that?" I ask in disgust. That was fucking nasty. Like was it poison or something?

"Tea..." She says a little disappointed and sad.

"Tea!? There's no sugar or lemon or any of that good stuff." I say as if it were totally obvious.

"I forgot your from the south. Sorry." Is it that hard to remember where we just were four days ago?

I grab her wrist and my cup and drag her to the kitchen. I rip through the cabinets, trying to find sugar. I found it next to the sink. I grab a spoon and put in six spoonfuls of sugar and go to the fridge. I'm surprised a lemon is the only thing in there, I truly am. I grab it and go to the utensils and grab a knife. I cut the lemon into fours and squeeze one slice into the cup.

Shadow stands behind me the whole time, watching me work my magic. When I'm done I hand her the cup. She takes a sip cautiously, and then immediately gulps it down. "How was that piece of the south for ya?" I ask in my most amazing country accent.

"Could you by any chance make more?" She ask. I nodd my head and Gerard gets up and walks into the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker and letting it heat up. I grab another cup and put more tea in it, along with the sugar and lemon, and hand the cup to Gerard.

"Okay I know you know, I don't like tea." he says with a chuckle.

"Well no shit Sherlock, but you've never tasted my tea." I say jiggling the cup in front of his face. He still won't grab it. "Okay, let's make a bet. If you drink it and don't like it, I'll do anything you want. But if you drink it and like it you have to buy me a pack of cigarettes. Deal?" I set the cup down and hold out my hand. And as before he grabs it and kisses my knuckles instead of shaking it. I roll my eyes and hand him the cup. He takes a sip and gulps it all down, repeating Shadow.

"What kind?" he ask with a sigh.

"Virginia Slims. The green one." I say walking out the kitchen to go find Shadow. When I get to the bathroom area, I hear a voice from behind me.

"Don't you think you're a little young to be smoking?" I make a quick turn around to see Frank Iero, standing behind me.

"GERARD ARTHUR WAY!!!!!" I yell as he comes around the corner and runs into the wall.

"Yes Erin? Is there a problem?" No, not if you count the sexy Frank Anthony Iero standing in front of me an issue.

"Yea, Erin Ann Black, is there a problem? I would hope not. This is my home, and I welcome you to make yourself comfortable here." 'How the hell did know my name?' was the last thought I had. I was standing in Frank Iero's house. My feet were touching his floor. I'm going to die. This is like freaking awesome.

"Uh, err, no, no problem? Just I thought you lived in Jersey." I said my social anxiety rising through my body.

"A lot of people also think I'm married." He said with a wink.

"Shaaaaddddooowww..." I yelled.

"Whhhhhaaaaaattttt..." she called back.

"Could you be a dear and come here a second?" I said.

"Yea sure." and then I heard footsteps. "Oh, hey Frank." She said all cheery and happy as she came and stood by my side. Frank waved at her. 

"You guys knew he was here and didn't tell me." I asked outraged that I was uninformed. Outraged that I was so far away from Pete. Outraged that Kenz was dead. And so very pissed that I'm so fucking tired. "I need a nap." I said with a yawn.

"Third door down the hall." Frank said ad I waved. I got to the door went inside and collapsed on the bed, not caring anymore.

Hi, this is shorter but the next one will indeed be longer. Love all of you guys. -♥LittleMissNoName♡

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