Day Eighteen: So Long and Goodnight

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"Wait?" Shadow asked knitting her eyebrows together. "Wait for what? Someone to come and knock on the door so we can put a bullet through their head?" Only three people have actually died, actually, so I don't see her point in asking this question. But, yea it dose kinda feel like people are dying left and right around here.

"Something like that. Erin, come on, we're taking a walk." He said walking towards the door. He pulled a gun out of his back pocket, turned the safety off and held it to me.

"Gerard, she can't." Frank said snatching the gun from him. "She got stitches less than five minuets ago, and is probably drug-" by this time, I had stood up walked over to Frank and taken the gun from his hand.

"No, I'm not." I say cocking the gun. "I wouldn't let them put drugs in me. Especially after I'd just woken up." I put the gun in my back pocket and slip on my converse.

"Alright then." Gerard smirks at Frank. I wave to all of them and we step out the door. We our descent down the street, I look up at street signs and look down ant the freshly rain-wet concrete. Puddles surround the street, some small, some large, but all large an able to jump on. One thing disturbed me though, the lack of cars. I wasn't quite sure where we were in Ohio, but I was positive that at least one car would have passed us by now.

"This place looks deserted." I point out jumping in a puddle. "Where is everyone?" Gerard glances at me through the corner of his eye. He continues walking in silence until we get to a crosswalk. He turns to me and looks his eyes with mine.

"It's about five-thirty on Sunday, during football season." He said coolly taking my hand in his. "Why don't you do the math."

"That's kinda weird though." I say as we made a left turn passing a liquor store. I cringe for a moment. "Games in S.C. don't start until six and end at eight-thirty." We pass a Game Stop that's obviously out of work. Posters advertising games from 2009, several broken windows and charred bricks lined the outside of the store. And bright yellow police CAUTION tape was over the door.

"Frankie used to work there." Gerard said pulling me along. "Right before we went on tour, he needed a little extra money I guess, so he worked at Game Stop. He used to tell me all the time how fun his job was." He pulled me through an alleyway and on the other sider were a group of teenagers, about my age, sitting around smoking a joint. One girl, I noticed though, refused it. Her hair was bright pink and falling in her face, she also looked like she couldn't keep still.

Gerard dropped my hand, grabbed his gun, and cocked it. "Alright, kids." He said menacingly pointing the gun at the pink-haired girl. "Drop the drugs and get on the ground."

It was only at this moment that the girl quit moving. She sat there, completely still, not lying on the ground with the rest of her companions. Her breathing got rapid and she looked panicked.

"Erin, grab your gun and take care of them. I'll get her." He whispered into my ear. He staked over to the girl and I pulled my gun out aiming it at the center of the group.

"Alright, name give me names." I said quickly, wanting to get this over with. I know Gerard was gonna make me kill them, no doubt about that. And the girl over there was totally in for the taste of bullet herself, I'm guessing.

"John, The girl over there's Drew, Morgan, Edward, and I'm Tyler." The guy in the middle introduced everyone. "Do you even know how to work that gun, because I'd be willing to show you." He winked and I rolled my eyes. Teenagers. I shot a bullet down the direction that we came from. I cocked the gun again and pointed back to the spot I had before. They all laid there wide-eyed.

"Are you going to kill us!?" The girl, Morgan I think, asked. They all looked a little in shock, eyes the size of basketballs. Mouths open a little, it was kinda cute the way they all looked related.

"Depends on the mood I'm in." I shrug my shoulders. "And considering I just got stitches, my chest hurts like a bitch, my brother just died, and was out for six days, I'm feeling pretty shitty."

"Is that why you don't have a bra on?" The Tyler kid asked me. Shit. I'd known I'd forgotten something.

"You are really starting to piss me off." I told him sweetly. Among the gun more accurately at him.

"That's my job." He winked again. Okay, I'm done with this. I shot him in the top of his head. None of his friends screamed or moved even.

"Move." I told the threatingly. All of the got up and ran towards the back of the ally.

A slow clap came from behind to show Gerard standing there, the girl stood close to him. "Great job." He said taking my hand. I put the gun back I my pocket and looked over at the girl.

"Drew?" I asked her, remembering that's what Tyler'd told me. Her head snapped up and she looked at me, smiling an energetic smile. "He was being a dick." I chuckled coldly. She laughed and looked at Tyler's body.

"So long and goodnight." She sang quietly, and we ventured home along the rain wet pavement and passed the abandoned Game Stop and the evil liquor store.

When we got to Franks house, Gerard called another group meeting. Everyone had come out of designated areas around the house and sat in the same spots the had last time. Except Gerard stood with Drew and Mikey had taken the recliner.

"Okay guys," Gerard rubbed his hands together, "this is Drew." She waved at everyone. Her bright pink hair kept falling in her face as Gerard explained that she was like the rest of us. Her ability had already been discover a year or so ago. She could control weather with her super mood swings. Ray was going to stay with us to even out the group.

"Here." Livi said to her when the meeting was over. She pulled her hair tie out and gave it to Drew.

"Thanks!" She said overly hyperactive. "Sorry for my loss of energy y'know? I kinda gotta stay happy around here." She jabbed a finger towards the sky.

"I understand." I said. "I saw it rained earlier though." I said out of curiosity.

"I have mood swings." She admitted, trying to run her hands through her hair, but noticing it was up.

This should be fun.


Slightly late update: CHECK. Sorry guys, I still love you though

Stay P.L.U.R.

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