Right After The Last Chapter: Tonight Will Be The Night That I Will Fall For You

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When Mikey walks in I swear all Hell breaks loose. Gerard has this look of pure hatred and fear plastered on his face, while Mikey is shaking in his converse. He slowly backs up towards the door and is soon

"Hi..." Mikey says waving awkwardly. Gerard gets up in Mikey's face and swings his hand back to hit him.

"Gerard stop." I say walking over to him. I grabbed his elbow and pulled his arm back down. "Leave the kid alone! He was only joking. You worry way to much." I said walking over to Frank and checking his jaw for a break. "It's fine," I inform them, "just a large bruise." I take Frank by the hand and pull him towards the kitchen area. I immediately start rooting through the ice box I search of ice for his face.

"Why'd you stop him?" Frank ask. This makes me tense up and I turn towards him. Our eyes meet and it's silent for a second.

"Because I-I-I don't like violence." I stutter and turn back to the fridge. I honestly don't and never have, or well, ever since my dad started getting drunk everyday. Frank let out a hard chuckle. And grabbed my shoulders from behind as I stood, spinning me around quickly.

"Says the girl that killed-" I shut him up by kissing him hard. His hands trail down to my waist as I set my hands on the back of his neck. We kiss for a minuet before I pull away.

"Don't bring it up, ever again." I say throwing a bag of frozen peas at him. I turn to walk away but then see Gerard in the doorway of the kitchen staring at us wide-eyed. Hs fist clench into tight balls as he storms back upstairs.

"Dammit!" I look at Frank who is hanging his head in shame. "He likes you y'know?" I shake my head and head to go find Gerard.

I banged on the door to his bedroom. "Gee, please open up." I said laying my forehead against the wood. The door clicked and it opened slightly so I could see one of his golden eyes. It was one of the most gorgeous thinks I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was a bright gold color with specks of green floating around in it. Purely mesmerizing.

"What, Erin? I don't want to be bothered right now." He was closing the door until I stuck one of my feet in-between the door frame and the door, stopping him from closing it.

"Don't hate me." I say softly, as his face becomes soft. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug in his room. We stayed like this for a while, him crying in my hair, me crying in his chest.

He kisses my forehead. "I don't hate you, Erin. I could never." He hugged me again and yawned loudly.

"You should sleep." I say, letting go of him and walking to the door. "Goo-" he grabbed my hand and pulled me back in the room, and sat me on the bed.

He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He snuggled me close and held me tight. "Don't leave me right now." He said into my hair. Gerard kissed my neck and continued to hold me.

"Erin, I want to tell you something." He whispered into my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine and he pulled me as close as humanly possible.

"Yes Gerard?" I say latching my arms around his neck. I felt his breath on my lips and he said very quietly.

"I have to let you go." And he kissed me. I kissed back immediately not entirely comprehending what he said. He pulls back and has a sad smile on his face. "I have to let you leave. They say 'if you love something let it go, and if it comes back it was meant to be.' I can't keep you here anymore hoping that one day you'll love me, I just have to take my chances."

I feel the hot, silent tears roll down my face as me and Gerard stare at each other for what feels like hours. "You can't let me go." I say after the tears have stopped. "I have nowhere to go. No one who will care about be. No place to call a home. This," I say pointing around his room, "is what I've made my home, wherever the seven of you are. You guys are my family." We start to cry again.

"I'm sorry. I just can't make you stay. It hurts me. I'm sending Livi and Shadow with you, I just can't make you guys stay. Maybe one day..." He trailed off. I leaned in and we kissed again.

"I understand." With that we snuggled together and fell asleep.



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