Day Twenty-Five: Mr. B Double O Z E

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The week had gone by fast. It was mostly us trying our powers and shooting more bullets through peoples faces. In total, through this whole journey, we've killed eleven people. Which means we killed seven people this week. Most of them were by Drew. She's good with a gun and will pretty much do whatever Gerard tells her to do. Gerard has taken a fatherly stance over her actually, treating her like a mother would do to a child.

Livi has figured out her ability: sonic scream, when I dropped a pot of boiling water on her foot. She broke all the windows on the first floor of the apartment we'd been staying at in Indiana, an hour or so from the original place we had been.

Tonight was the day of my moms death. It'd been five years. Five fucking years of living with a alcoholic lunatic under the same roof he'd put a piece of glass through my mothers skull. I'd convinced Frank that I needed a drink. He looked at me knowingly as he handed Mikey the money to go get stuff to make Jell-O shots with.

Upon the time becoming 9 o'clock, Mikey had made me several rounds of the alcohol gelatin. Eventually, after about my sixth or seventh round, Mikey and Ray thought I would be funny to use my drunkness against me and play an extreme Truth-Or-Dare.

Gerard had already tucked Drew into bed, literally, and Livi had skipped off to play her bass about twenty minuets prior. Gerard had fallen asleep on the couch, so we snuck off to the room the Way brothers shared. It was Frank, Mikey, Ray, Shadow and I, all playing the stupid teenager game. Of course, it was a drinking game. A can of booze had been passed to everyone, except Shadow who said she'd merely be a spectator.

The rules were as follows: Every time someone picks dare and completes it, everyone takes a sip, but if you should pick truth and answer it you take a sip. If you don't don't do the dare or answer the truth, you down half the can. First person to finish two cans first loses.

I went first, stealing Frank's pack of smokes in the process. I pulled one out and lit it taking a drag before turning to Ray. "Truth or dare?" I slurred. God I was wasted. And I hated the taste in my mouth, reminded me of my dad. But it also made me remember my kiss with Frankie.

Ray giggled and said confidently "Dare." I laughed like a maniac, and to be completely honest, I have no clue why.

"Okay," I said after I'd calmed down a bit and set my smoke in the ashtray next to me."I dare you to the bathroom and lick the toilet water out." I cackled as he looked at me questionably. "Shadow go watch him, make sure he dose it." She rolled her eyes but complied. I giggled again and looked at the other two in the room. "On a scale of one to ten," I hiccuped, "how drunk am I?" I said my voice totally slurring. I almost didn't under myself.

Frank gave me a sad smile and Mikey had a Cheshire Cat grin painted on his skinny face. "Pretty fucking drunk." Frank replied and shrugged. "About a eight point seven." Ray and walked back in at this moment. She gave a single nod and we cracked open the cans, cheered and took a sip. The cold beer ran down the back of my throat. It gave of a slight burning sensation. I picked up my cigarette and took another drag.

Ray looked at Frankie and smirked. "Truth or dare Frankenstein?" Ray asked, looking proudly at his closed beer can.

"Bring it Toro." Frank challenged smacking his knees.

"I dare you dump a cold bucket of water on Livi. She's upstairs practicing her bass." Ray laughed and Frank grinned evilly.

"I've gotta see this." I said stumbling over my feet as I attempted to stand up. Mikey laughed loudly, and Shadow gave me a waning look.

Frank and I made our way toward the kitchen and grabbed the jug of water we had on the second shelf in the fridge. Frank opened it and threw a little in my face. I cringed for a second before realizing that it helped me sober up a tad.

He closed the jug laughing and took my hand, leading me up the steps. We got to the only room with a closed door and he pressed his ear against it. His knuckles rapped again dust the wood lightly as he opened the jug. The door flew open and he threw it on our victim. Although, it wasn't Livi.

A drenched Drew stood before looking confused. I was pretty confused myself before she yelled Gerard's name. Not even five second later did we near feet slam against the wood up the steps. He was shiting, I could tell. A worried expression was plastered on his face as he looked between the three of us, trying to figure the situation out.

"What happened? You okay?" He asked running to Drews side. She giggled.

"I'm fine Gee." She admitted with a large yawn. "I was just wondering if this was your idea." He raised an eyebrow and turned towards us.

"You've been drinking, haven't you?" He looked at me sullenly. I nodded my head, wet hair sticking to my face.

"Today's the day Gerard. Five motherfucking years." I yelled. "I shouldn't have had to lose her. And now she's dead." I started to cry, a thing I haven't done all damn day.

Gerard ran to my side and made soothing circles on my back with the palm of his hand. He led me to my room at the end of the hall and laid me in bed.

"The last thing I told her was 'you shouldn't have married the bastard' and now she's dead. D-E-A-D!" I yelled as I put my face into the pillow and screamed. And he let me, he didn't get in my way or try to stop me. But I eventually fell asleep with me curled up into Gerard's side.


HELLO! God this chapter is based on so many songs, the main on is Mr. Booze, from Family Guy. Okay guys, stay P.L.U.R. ;*

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