Really, REALLY early the next day

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Hey so can someone make me a cover? Pllllleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee!!!!!

Thank youthat is all.

"Shit!" I yelled when I woke up on my back the next day. Why me?  I'm sure there are plenty of other people who deserve this more than I do. But no. I'm the one who constantly is injured or dead to the world for a few days. Thanks God, for making me an idiot with common sense. 

I want to sit up so bad but, my back won't  allow it. So from staring upward and moving my head side to side slightly, I figure out I'm not in a hospital. Actually I'm in one of the least sanitary places ever. Frank  Iero's dining room table. Who knows how many dogs have pissed on this thing.

Gerard,  who was asleep in a chair next me woke up.  "Are you okay?" he asked sleeply.  Before I can respond a voice comes fron the hallway.

"God damnit,  Erin. Shut up! I need to get my beauty rest! " Mikey yelled from his room somewhere.

"Mikey! You inconsiderate fuck,  get in here.  She woke up!" Gerard  yelled.  Everyone, including Mikey,  came and stood around the table I was on.

"I need to stand up. My legs fell asleep." I say and no one seems to object. Shadow's hand latches on to mine and Olivia  grabs my other one. The lift up the top half of my body so I'm sitting upright.  I swing my legs over the side of the table and hop down.

"You guys look like lost puppies or. something.  I'm fine. I swear. Go back to sleep or something." I said and Mikey was the first to jump up. 

"Night Gee. Night Frankie. Night Sha Sha.  Night My Ultimate FanGurl.  Night Acident Pron.  See you all in the mornig." He said. blowng us all a kiss and walking sluggishly out of the room.

"Erin..." Shadow begins but I stop her.

"It's okay. I'm really okay. Go to sleep I can't have you guys being tired all the time. Were's the fun in that?" I ask and Olivia and Shadow stand up and exit the kitchen.

So all that's left is Frank, Gerard, and I. We are all silent for a minute until my back starts to sting and my body tenses up. They were both staring at me so they jumped up real quick to help me.

"What the he'll happened to my back? It hurts like a bitch." I ask. they look at each other and then back at me. Gerard sucks in a breath.

"You split your back open pretty deep. The handle you slid down on had little metal swords on it. That is why you were hurts severely. But luckily Mikey knows how to sew. You needed twenty-eight stitches." Well fuck. I can't stay awake for two seconds and unhurt for thirty.

"I'm sorry. I cause you guys all these problems and I feel like shit because of that. I just hate being a bu-" Frank interrupts me.

"Erin, you're not a burden. You're not a nuisance. You've been nothing But a great guest and you really beat yourself up to much." He says and grabs my hand. "Come on." he nods towards the bedrooms. "Let's go to sleep. I'm sure your exhausted. It's almost," he yawned loudly, "Three. Night Gee." He said and pitter pattered to us room.

"Goodnight Gerard. I'll see you in the morning." he grab my hand and yanks me to my room.

"Goodnight Erin. See you then." And with that he pulls me in the room, tucks me into bed and plants a kiss on my left cheek. He turns and winks at me as he walks out of the room.


I wake-up to the smell of pancakes and something else. Tea? I think. I throw off the covers and hop out of bed. I hiss in pain as my back still hurts a great deal. Shit. Mikey heard me and walked into my room

"Hey Accident Pron. Glad to see you're awake. How's. your back?" Mikey ask with a smug look.

I roll my eyes before saying, "It feels fine Jackass. Thanks for the concern."

"Oh no problem. Gerard!! She's awake." Mikey yells and walks away from the door way so Gerard can get in.

"How do you feel?" he asked concerned. Paranoid much?

"Gerard I'm fine. You act like a new mother.  I'll be okay I've had worse." I say smiling and being a little too cheery for my own good.

He sighs and says, "At least let me carry you." He give to pick me up and I flinch slightly. His hands drop quickly and apologizes. I cut him off though.

"Gerard it's fine. I just weigh a ton and don't wanna- GERARD!!!" I yell because he picks me up and flings me over his shoulder.

"No complaining." he said as he sat me down at the table. "Now eat. " he orders as I picked up my fork. I stab the fork into my pancakes and stop my hands. Gerarad is still standing over me, so I have to look up to ask him a question.

"What did you do to this?" I ask and he throws his hands up in surrender..

"What makes you think he even made these?" Frank ask from the other head of the table. "He can't even cook. Your best friend over here," he jerked a thumb towards Livi, "made them." I roll my eyes.

"Now I know something's wrong with them." I say receiving giggles from everyone. 

Gerard sits down and kooks at everybody and then stops his gaze on me. "Who's Nana?" He asks.

I drop my fork and it hits the plate with a clank. Shadow and Livi look at him with the meanest expression ever. Mikey and Frank share a confused look, But realize it's better nit to say anything.

"How do you know about that?" I ask him quietly.

He smirks. "You talk in your sleep. So who is she?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I say through clenched teeth and run out of the room. I get into the room that I was sleeping in and lock the door. After a few minuets someone knocks on the door. "I don't want to talk to you Gerard." I yell at the door.

"It's not Gerard." Frank said softly. I run over and unlock the door for him. He steps in and holds his arms out for me to walk into. I immediately walk over and let him embrace me.

"Olivia told us." He whispered into my ear. "I'm Sorry. That's awful. No one should have to live through that." And with that I cried on his shoulder for a good ten minutes. And he held me the whole time.

When I finished, he pulled back and grabbed my my hands. "Come on. There's something I want to show you." And he pulled me out of the room and upstairs.

Hey. This is late I know. Love you guys.

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