Day Ten (I Calculated): Old Habits Die Hard

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We jumped when we heard the scream. It was blood curdling, making my ears feel like they're bleeding.

"Stay here," Frank said quietly harsh. "I'm gonna check it out. I'll be back." And with that he left and shut the door behind him.

It took a few minuets for Livi to snap out of her shocked faze. But when she is finally able to speak, she says two little words: "I'm scared..." She was shaking and looked like a ghost. I've never seen her terrified before.

"Come on, we need to calm your nerves. Let's go see what it is." I stood up and she followed me out the door and down the hall. The hall was in a pissy mood so anytime we took a step, it creaked loudly.

We eventually made it to our art room. In there I saw something that made my face hot. Something I'd hoped I would never have to see for the rest of my days.

Or should I say someone.

In this room I saw my father standing over Shadow and Mikey, Frank and Gerard were bloodied and beaten in the corner. I slammed the door open causing everyone to look at me, but all I could look at was my father.

"Erin, baby." he said steeping closer. "I've missed you so much. Please don't ever leave again." He walks closer to me, arms open. I noticed something was off about the way he smelled. He didn't reak of alcohol, only smelled of coconut shampoo and cologne. "Me and Peter, we've come to take you home." He went to hug me but I dogged his hug and moved under his arm over to Mikey and Shadow.

"Thanks dad, but no thanks." I say equally calm. "I think I'm going to stay here with my friends. See, I'm even being social." I say, to prove my point further I point to Mikey and Shadow. But he wasn't buying it. He grabs my wrist and gets in my face.

"This wasn't up for discussion, you ungrateful, worthless, slut!" He yell at me and slaps my face. Hard. I start to feel dizzy, like I'm gonna fall. Someone shows up behind me, though. They steady me and help me sit down. When they do, I get a good look at their shoes, they were the same rainbow converse that Frank was wearing.

I looked up at his face, and I wished I hadn't. His nose was clearly broken with his lip bleeding profusely in the spot were his lip ring had been. I touched his face for a split second before he tore away, holding glares with my dad.

"Are you the faggot that kidnapped my daughter?" He asked words full of venom.

"Yes, do you have an issue with it?" He asked equally angered.

"You do know I'm a cop and I could arrest you? Kidnapping and murder, that could get you seventy to life in prison." He said stepping closer to Frank.

It was as if it had happened in slow-motion. Gerard had stuck his hand in his back pocket and pulled out his gun. He slid it over to were I was. Quickly, I grabbed it and stood up, pointing it at my dad. "Quit the lies old man." I say calmly.

"Erin, sweetheart, please, put the gun down. It's not a toy." He said in terror. This is fun.

"Thanks Mr. Genius. Your trophy is in the mail." I said, pulling down the hammer. "But, no, I don't think I will. I think I'm going to preform a little something I'd like to call 'Sweet Revenge.'"

"What?" He asked confused.

"You killed my mom. You've deprived me of all happy childhood memories. And now you want to take me back to that hell-hole. I don't think so. Now, tell me what you didn't tell the police." I said taking a step closer.

"About your mother? What I didn't tell the police was that I wasn't drunk." He said backing himself out into the hallway.

"That's all I needed to hear." I said, before I could pull the trigger he grabbed Livi and her bass. He took it like a baseball bat and hit her right in her temple. I stood there for a few seconds. "You heartless monster." I yelled and pulled the trigger. Six times. After I was sure he was dead I kicked his head and spit on him. "Mother fucker." I muttered and ran over to Livi. Everyone else gathered around. I picked up her wrist and checked her pulse. She was alive. And then I remembered something my dad had said.

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