Day Two: Act Two

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I just want to start out by saying, I love writing this. I'm having an awesome time writing it and I just love you guys for reading. So thank you and on to the next chapter.


We rush to the smallest convenience store in town. Shadow, not being native to the state, went in for us. Gerard couldn't go in because he's famous, and y'know what happens when you spot a famous person... And I couldn't go in because I've been here more than once. They have this employee, her name's Livi, she has this wicked CD collection in the back and let's me pick and choose my CDs as I wish. She's the reason I know about My Chemical Romance.(a/n That's actually backwards, I taught Livi about My Chem, so yea... HI LIVI!!!!)

I tell Shadow that I'm going to need a bottle of red hair dye and some new earrings, and to get the earrings ask for Livi and knock on the counter three times really fast and ask for room two. Yea, I know, we're weirdos, but it works. Gerard ask for her to just get him a bottle of blonde hair dye, hands him a 50 and sends her off.

"Earrings?" he ask, cocking his right eyebrow, and giving me a questioning look. I stare at him for a minute, not sure what to say.

"Yea, these are my signature earrings. In town people can recognise me because of them." I say, taking out my grandmother's red pearl earrings. She gave to me a day or so after my mother died, said she never had a chance to give them to her, so they went to me. He looks at me confused, his eyes begging for an explanation.

"Explain...?" he ask, rather dramatically, really wanting all the juicy details behind them. I let out a large breath try to control myself from crying.

"A few years ago my mama died, and these earrings belonged to my granny. She gave them to me a few days after mama died. She told me that mama never got to have them so now, because I was the oldest, I got to keep them. This is the first time I've taken them out since I was 11." I said. The floor looked very interesting at the moment, so I started at it intently.

"Erin... I'm so sorry, that's truly terrible. I'm sorry for being nosey, but, uh, how did she, uh, y'know...?" he ran his thumb over his throat.

I blew out a puff of air upwards. "Die? You can say it, it's not like God's gonna care any. My father killed her. He was drunk and he broke a bottle over her head. I never forgave him. He abuses me everyday, and it's just me, him, and my brother, Peter. Peter gets out of school an hour after me, so he's always there to pick up the pieces and fix me up. The wrost he's ever done was stick a knife through my stomach.. I hate him with every ounce of my existence." I said, hot tears running down my face. He lightly put his hand on my sholder.

At this moment, Shadow decides it's a good idea to come back. She's holding three plastic shopping bags and hands each of us one. Gerard floors as soon as her door is shut.

We drive for a couple of minutes, seeing as we're going 80 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. I actually have time to go through Gerard's small CD collection. To be honest, it's alot smaller than I thought it was going to be. There had to be less than 70 CDs. But they we're good ones: Dookie by Green Day, Underclass Hero by Sum 41, Alice in Wonderland by All Time Low, Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die by Panic! At The Disco, just to name a few.

The ride was short and silent, I was still silently crying in the front seat.

Gerard would glance over at me every few minutes and Shadow was looking between us, she knew we knew something she didn't. When we got back we all sprint into action. I run into the bathroom and Gerard to the kitchen sink. I've never dyed my hair before but, Shadow's hair was definitely dyed, so I called her in there.

She walks in and sits me on the toilet, brushing my hair soft and lovingly. She humms the tune to Painting Flowers by All Time Low, it sounds beautiful. She keeps brushing until the song ends, she looks me dead in tje eye and ask: "Are you okay?"

Am I? Am I okay? Those three words can mean a lot to a person. I don't know if I am or not but, I have no one left. Kenz is dead, mom is dead, Aunt Linda is dead. Everyone, gone. This is when realization hit me real fast. I stand up and walk out of the bathroom fuming. I ignore the shouts from Shadow. I walk into the kitchen to see Gerard, dying his hair blonde.

I step over to him and pull my fist back. I bring it forward so it hits his jaw."You shit-head, you killed my best friend!!!"

After I hit him, Shadow, has to hold me back. I'm kicking and screaming for her to let me go, but her grip gets stronger. I scream in defeat but instead of my air, fire blazes out of my mouth, it doesn't burn my tongue, my lips don't hurt, but pure fire just came out of my mouth.

Shadow drops me onto the kitchen floor. I look up, a black hole burned into kitchen wall inches from Gerard's face. I look up at Gerard and pass out, finally understanding.


Hello world, so this book is just great to write. I'm having fun writing, I hope your having fun reading. Love you guys, thank you for voting and reading. ♡♡♥♡♡

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