Stuff Wrong With This Story And Struggles Writing It...

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Hey my apples! So in the process of completing this story I noticed some things wrong with it. And I wouldn't be a good author if I didn't share my thoughts. So here we go!

-Shadow (@ChemicalSorrows) killed her account before I could finish writing the story, and I was going to kill her. But since she is my best friend I didn't because I love her, even though she was never going to read it.

-I told Livi about 1,000,000 times I was going to kill her character, but I never did. So now she pretty much hates me.

-Everyone in the story is based off a real person except Erin's father and mother.

-They never actually use their powers, which the whole point of the story WAS TO USE THE FUCKING POWERS!!!! But 99.99% of the story was spent on social commentary. (in the sequel though, their powers will go along with the plot more *wink, wink. Nudge, nudge*.)

-If you guys didn't already notice, Thanks Livi (Pete), most of my words are spelt completely wrong, and I used autocorrect. Luckily I'm going to go in and edit all of them soon.

-You remember the large time gap in the middle somewhere? Well, I had gotten my phone taken away in the middle of the summer vacation and couldn't write for a while.

-I left some parts unfinished like, who Nana was and why Livi hates being called Olivia, so I'm going to try to fix that in the next story.

-Also the story takes place in 2010 so yea....

I think that's about it guys, comment on what you think the title should be also if you want to be in the next book, I always need more people. Love you apples, stay P.L.U.R.

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