Day.... Why Do I Always Make The Main Character Black Out?

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My wake-up was sudden and urgent, like it was from a bad dream. So that's what I thought it was, a terribly awful dream. My chest didn't hurt, at all as of it hadn't happened. I was in the same bed, as if I'd never gotten up. Except this time, I was shirtless with thick gauze wrapped from my chest to my mid-stomach. And I wasn't alone. Everyone was standing around my bed. Except Peter. 'He was really dead' I thought to myself as I looked at all my friends, they all looked back at me, with sleepy, anticipating eyes.

"Welcome to the world, again." Gerard said from the footboard of the bed, smirking wildly. I could barely move. I looked over at my arm to see needles leading to IV's and a heart monitor beeping along with my pulse.

My throat was incredibly dry, I wanted to yell at them to take the needles out of me, but I couldn't. I opened my mouth and closed it this is when I noticed the I also had a heart ventilator hooked up, I was practically screaming at this point.

"What is it?" Asked a voice that I could clearly recognize as Ray Toro's. Ray Toro, guitar god, what was he doing here. He rushed over to my side, and checked the stats, also he noticed I was awake. "Mouth the words." He told me. I mouth 'Get the needles out of me.' very slowly, word by word. He nodded once and removed all of them from my arms and the ventilator from my throat.

My panic level was decreasing slowly. It took me a second to fully calm down and find out the extent of the situation. I looked at Gerard, he hadn't quit looking at me, so our eyes met. I looked away as Ray started to explain.

"The knife went pretty deep into your chest, but no bones were hit. You were out for about six days. You would have been up sooner but I had to find someone with a blood type compatible with yours." He said as he took the equipment apart. I coughed loudly. I tried again to speak and this time I succeeded.

"Could you help me up?" It was an almost inaudible whisper, but Ray heard me. He gently placed a hand on my back and the other around my shoulders. I sat up straight and the pain hit me like a semi-truck. It all rushed in at once but it didn't hurt so bad. Ray also helped me stand.

It didn't hurt to walk and I did so at normal pace. I got over to Mikey and I hugged him, he hugged me back. "Thank you." I said again in my barely audial tone. "You truly saved my life."

"No problem. Now I know I'm hungry, so let's eat some food." He said and we walked out the room.

"Erin, wait." Shadow called. I stopped and she handed me a plain black t-shirt. I slipped it over my head and we walked into the kitchen.

On the counter, there was chips and ice cream galore. Well someone went to the store.

I reach for the bag of Dill Pickle chips and open them. I put one in my mouth, hungrily, devouring more of them.

I turn around to find everyone looking at me.

"Erin, in your condition, I'd advise that you not eat so quickly." Ray said, coolly. "Just so your sodium levels don't rise too high." I nod once, closing the chip bag. I got up on the counter and stared at everyone and the stared right back. They had no idea what to say, what to bring up and what not to bring up.

"I'm okay guys." I said louder, regaining my voice. "Really, I'm fine. Just upset I guess. He knew what he was doing, I could tell. He wanted me dead." I spat that last part, Frank and Livi flinched a bit when I did.

"Well I'm glad your okay." Livi said calmly. "Let's go watch some SpongeBob." She said and we walked into the living room and turned it on Netflix, watching hours of the mind numbing show.

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