Chapter 1

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Cause I'm fuckin amazing and wonderful, here you go.

Be nice and listen to song ❤️.
And comment pleaseee

Picture of Levi 🤤

"So I guess what I'm saying... is that I want to break up." Matt says releasing a heavy breath. I freeze for a moment before I continue sketching. I don't bother looking up, but I could feel my hold on my pencil tighten.

"It's not that I don't love you or that I ever stopped, it's just... I don't feel the spark anymore." He continues with a frustrated groan. "I keep trying to look for it but it's not there and... it's not working."

I press the tip of my pencil harder against the tensing paper but don't say anything.

"Levi, can you please look at me?" He pleads and I stop drawing before shutting my eyes. I take a deep breath, pushing the rising tidal waves of emotions down before I look up at him.

Of course he was looking at me as if he was the one hurting, with stupid those doe eyes I fell for to begin with.

"Say something- please Le." He says making my fingers curl at the nickname only he used.

When the pencil snaps, I release a breath before shutting my sketchbook close and stuffing it into my bag. I could feel my rage rising and if I wasn't careful, I'd probably do something horrible.

"You don't see this going anywhere and you want to end things." I say packing up my stuff. "There's no spark- whatever the fuck that is, but you still love me so... that's supposed to make things better. But it doesn't matter, because you're still ending things- just like I said you would."

"That's not fair." He says in protest as I stand.

"Not fair? What's not fair is that I'm about to drive home, alone, because you decided to break up with me instead of coming home with me like we planned." I say, now looking him in his those stupid eyes. "After telling me you wanted to meet my family and take the next step together, just last week. And now you're saying there is no next step; no future." I finish as I slide my shades on right before my eyes start glowing. "Matt, that's not fair."

I don't give him a chance to reply as I sling my bag over my shoulder and quickly leave the restaurant we were having breakfast at.

I stumble out as I walk quickly to my car, slidding in before shutting the door. My hands shake foolishly as I try to push the car key into the hole, but it refused to go in.
My lips begin to tremble, my mouth falling open to scream but nothing comes out- only broken sobs. I lean against the wheel while I circle my arms around it, hating that I let myself get attached again; that I let myself love someone again, only for them to leave me... again.

I hated when my emotions became like this- when my rage became so strong it turned into sadness and my mind drowned me in sorrowful thoughts that weighed down my body more and more with each passing minute.

Goddess, what is wrong with me....

I wipe my tears as I pull out my now vibrating phone. Looking at the caller ID, I take in a deep breath before answering.

"Hey dad." I say as joyfully as I could manage.

"Hey kid." My dad, Aiden, calls into the phone. "Your father is forcing me to make sure you're all set before you and Matt start the drive down."

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