Chapter 21

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J's P.O.V

My eyes follow the people on the flashing screen, everything changed so quickly and I didn't understand what was going on.

But I liked it at the same time, well I think I did.

They were loud, sometimes they were smiling and then there was water leaking from their eyes.

It didn't make sense.
I think they're trapped in the screen.

They are not trapped, they're actors - Roger mumbles but he didn't sound as mean as he always did.

He sounded sad.

......are you okay?

I had hoped that you would've been better by now - He says sounding tired and sad still, both. Perhaps even remembered.

Remembered what? - I ask but he doesn't answer. It's quiet for a long time before he speaks again.

I want to teach you a little trick.

Is it bad?

No. It's like when I take control of my wolf, just a little different - I smile at this, I liked when he took control, I could relax into my primary form.

I quickly take off the flashy screen and put away my grapes. Today I was eating green grapes because Levi said we had no more red ones, but I liked these just as much so it was okay.

Just close your eyes and breathe.

I'm already breathing.

Don't start.

I'm just saying, I'm already breathing so to tell me to start to breathe doesn't make sense s-

Shut the fuck up Jayson and close your stupid eyes! - Roger shouts so I listen with a little smile, he sounded like Roger again. Okay dumbass, just sit back and focus on pushing me forward. Imagine it to be like how we do it in wolf form, except your in human form. Relax and let me take control. Trust that I'll protect you.

It wasn't hard to do as he said. Letting him come forward while I fell back, it was easy because I did trust Roger.
I hated Roger, very much, but I trusted him too.

Everything slowly became dark and I knew I was okay.


I feel Jayson sink into the back of my mind and I can't help but smile, he may have been an idiot but he needed some help and rest.

There was no doubt in my mind that all this, becoming mates, a new home, a pack full of wolves that despised him, would become too much for him pretty soon. Then we'd find ourselves in quite the predicament where he'd snap again, but this time I'd help him before he hurt someone else besides himself.

"Hey J, I know you're not too fond of eating squirrels but I didn't see anything else on the hunt this morning." Levi says as he walks into the living room where he'd left Jayson to prepare breakfast for himself. "I left it in the freezer so you can make it when you're hungry."

When my eyes land on him I can't help but suck in a breath. I'd seen him several times through Jayson but never before like this, not where he was standing right before me and I could touch him myself.
My heart squeezed itself at his beauty, he'd grown nicely into his features from a child and I couldn't help but smile a little at the memories of him that floated into my mind. But all too quickly, the knowledge that he was doing it all alone hit me hard and I was quickly reminded, as I often was, that I'd not only lost Levi that horrible day but the love of my life........ before I'd even gotten the chance to know him. 

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