Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

I am very sorry for not updating in almost two weeks now. I hate to keep you guys waiting but I am not perfect and I do have a very busy life. Please remember, if I do not write, it's cause something happened. In this case, two things happened.
Firstly, my phone screen completely shattered this week and if you know anything about me, its that I write all my chapters on my phone. For some reason I am much slower on my laptop and can't be bothered cause I always find my way onto Youtube. 
Secondly, I got really fucking sick. To the point where I was fucking crying with pain on the plane back home. I'm a lot better now but yeah, couldn't hear from my right ear and I was a coughing mess.

So again, I'm sorry but there's a reason so please don't come after me with too much anger and yelling for an update.

Now, enjoy


Levi's P.O.V

I keep my fingers tightly woven between J's, the secure hold allowing my heart to calm down.

The fear that haunted my heart on the way to find him, at the prospect of losing J, now fading easily as we made our way back to the pack where dad would be waiting with Caspar. Initially, I wanted everyone to be there when I brought J, but dad said that it may be too much for him and scare him off.

So we agreed to meet at a section of the border which dad had left patrols for the day, saying he'd take the shift himself. He'd lead us carefully towards Uncle Beckett's and Uncle Emitt's old home which had essentially been deserted for years, there, J and I would slowly build our bond before we thought about our future.

I was scared truthfully. I hadn't allowed myself to imagine how J would react or how dad would. Their occurrence in the past was something I couldn't even imagine J doing, he was so sweet and innocent I just couldn't imagine it.
I wish I could ask him why he'd do that, whether or not he even remembered it and if he regretted it. And alternatively, if dad saw him in person would his attitude change as the memories came flooding back. Would he attack or would he stay composed? I had so many questions and no true way of answering them. It was scary.

J tugs viscously at his shirt collar bringing me from my thoughts, I lean over quickly and tear it down a little, the room providing him with some comfort. He smiles down at me before kissing me gratefully, I soak in the warmth his actions provide before retaking hold of his hand and leading us forth.
We were almost to the border now, I take a quick glance at J to make sure he was okay, I smile at the results I find. He was smiling back at me, already watching me with trust and love in his eyes, he looked a little curious, anxious maybe, but the trust that he harbored was more than enough for me to take us the last forth those last few steps.

The second my eyes land on golden strands which seemed to glow under the glowering sunlight, my heart sped up with nerves and anticipation.
I gripped J's hand extra tight as I led us to my dad who was waiting with a nervous smile of his own.

The minute J saw him, he tensed for a moment, his eyes widening as he looked down at me with crossed eyebrows. I gave him a look that said it was okay, I hoped he understood as I tugged him only. Pulling him the entire distance until we stopped right in front of my dad.

The two study each other for a long uncomfortable moment, J looking confused and uncomfortable and Dad... well I was never that good at reading dad.

"Dad," I start causing his eyes to drift to me for a mere second. "This is J, my mate. J, this is my dad."

Neither say anything, not that J could, but I hoped the frown on his face wouldn't be so prominent. Dad sticks out a hand surprising both of us as he offers a warm smile to J, the type that made you instantly relax, one that only he could muster.

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