Chapter 3

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My hand got stuck in a fan and shredded to bits. Sorry, this update took so long, if four days counts as long.

As the early morning light crashed into my room, I found myself stirring awake. My eyes exhaustedly flick open, followed by me breathing in the strong scent of pine that engulfed the house. Once a bit more awake, I force myself to sit up with a stretch. My lengthening hair tousled over my eyes messily. I push it back in exhaustion as I release a breath.

The house was deathly quiet- a rare state of peace that could only exist when everyone was either gone or sleeping. Today, it was because of the latter.

I sling my legs over the edge of my bed, reaching for my phone to check the time. Minutes past six was apparently the time my body demanded to be awakened. I didn't bother groaning my annoyance at this as I pulled myself off my bed and made my way out of my room and then the house, quietly.

My toes caressed the slightly damp earth while I stretched my arms behind me as I let myself soak in the early morning light. I sag back before letting my body shift. The process was always unfairly painful for me as I didn't have the support of a wolf.

Nevertheless, I landed on all fours and shook my body slightly as I adjusted to my secondary form. I wondered if other werewolves felt the way I did when they shifted. Did their already heightened senses peak? Did their range of eyesight improve tremendously? Did they feel the fear of the other woodland creatures at their presence? Did they feel more animal than man?
Surely they couldn't; it must've been a side effect of my uniqueness in comparison to others.

I force myself to push forth and my legs begin rising more and more until I'm sprinting through the woods. Avoiding the ancient trees that laid littered throughout the lands, I continued to run at my fastest pace. My bones was shaking at the feeling of those addictive sparks crawling their way through me as my wolf form connected with the earth that surrounded me.

When I ran, I felt as if I were no longer a werewolf, and just a wolf. Sometimes, that scared me. I feared that I'd act like one but I never did. I was strong enough to restrain my animalistic needs and enjoy the pleasures this form brought.
Since I'd been much more integrated into the human civilization over the last few months, I rarely had the opportunity to stretch my hind legs.

All too soon, I found exhaustion to be creeping up my spine so I made my way to my own little spot. The place I hid out when people were a bit too mean, when the world seemed to be pushing me down. I guess, when I just wanted to get away.

As I slowed to the edge, I panted exasperatedly, catching sight of the sun climbing over the shallow mountains. It'd been way too long since I'd seen it or appreciated it and the many promises it held.
The view overlooked the entire valley that went beyond our pack lands, lands that were practically begging to be explored. And even though I didn't have an inner wolf to guide me, I still had natural instincts as well as alpha tendencies, both of which compelled me to explore the world just beyond my grasp. The world I could possibly claim as my own, but dad would never let me, not with that thing out there.

I pushed the thought from my head as I laid down. The woods were a little louder now- the pack was slowly waking up and taking the peaceful atmosphere with it. I wondered if I'd meet anyone on my way back, and would they welcome me back or would they stare like they used to? They were useless thoughts, I know, but when did that ever stop me from indulging in them?- Never.

I couldn't hide here forever, no matter how much I wished I could.

So after a wonderful hour of lazing around the grass, I push my body up, taking one final look at the view before taking off once more. This time not heading back to the house but my third favorite place in the pack.

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