Chapter 29

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Jay had been running for a while now since our last break when we stopped to eat and play. I wanted him to stop running, he was still hurt, but he wouldn't listen.

It was almost dark now and I was tugging on his ear to tell him to stop. I didn't like being outside at night, it was super scary and you never saw the bad people coming.

Jay slowed down and start sniffing like he always did whenever it was time to stay somewhere. I looked around too but I couldn't see anything when it got this dark so I just tried to be quiet.

You can see in the dark, you just need to learn how - My wolf told me. I jumped a little when he spoke, he only started recently

Sometimes I got scared when he talked, I only got him a few months ago, the same day I lost mama and Papa. He scared me a little, but mama said that that'd be normal and that it would take time to get to know him.

The rain started so small and soft, I didn't really feel it at first and then it was coming so hard that it hurt. Jay started moving faster and I even though the rain was loud, I could hear our hearts beating in fear.

Jay said rain was bad and good to us. He said it was good because it gave us water and cleaned us, he said it helped us move at night when it was louder than our steps. But he said it was also bad, it would wash away the planets we masked our scent in and that made us visible to everyone around.

So I tried to listen to mama, she always knew best. Even when she wasn't with me.

Look around, find the first thing that stands out from the rest - He says, so I look and stop at a tree branch. Now follow that like a string, let your vision and instincts guide you. Keep following that string until you unravel the whole image.

I do as my wolf says and at first its hard, there were patches of black in some places I looked. But the more I did it, the more I saw what they really were and then I could see everything around me, even a cave I think.

"Jay." I whisper tugging him a little before whispering in his ear. He doesn't hear me over the rain so I shout for him. "I think that's a cave up there!"

He looks to where I point my finger and stares for a while. It was higher than the ones we usually went into but it was still a cave.

"There's no where else to go!" I yell when he doesn't move.

It takes another long moment before he starts making his way to it. He circles around a bit before picking the easiest route up. I try not to move too much, I know it was hard to climb by himself so with me it must be even harder.

He was climbing faster than usual today, trying to make it up the slope as fast as he could. The water was dragging us down and rushing past his paws, taking big rocks with it as it tried to take us.

I wish I didn't say to come here. It was scary and if Jay kept moving like this we could get hurt.

I was about to tell him to stop when one of the rocks break under his paw and a loud cry follows. Jay scrambles to keep us from rolling down and I grip on to him tighter in fear. He cries again, howls like papa does, but he got back up.

When we made it to the cave, he fell down immediately. I slid off him and ran around him to look at his leg. I'd barely touched it and he started whimpering and crying.

"I-I'm sorry Jayson." I say shakily, my eyes were filled with tears as I looked at him. "I'm so sorry."

He kept whimpering but didn't shift. That scared me, papa said if a wolf doesn't shift back when hurt it's because they're so weak that they can't. Papa said it only happened in extreme cases, I didn't know what that meant but Jay was hurt.

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