Chapter 39

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Levi's P.O.V. AGAIN

We all follow after our parents, Jayson walking directly besides me the whole way through. We took our usual seats around the large table, but this time Jayson sat in the chair Damon usually did besides me. Damon sat on the other side, I couldn't miss the hurt in his eyes if I tried but he wasn't going to sit next to me anyway. I forced myself to ignore it and focus on our parents.

"Your father and I are going to talk to Levi and his mate after this separately, but before we do, I need to make some things clear." Aiden says as he leans against the wooden table with both arms. "I value this family above everything else in this world. You guys make up my entire life, my world revolves around all of you. That will never change, no matter what you do or who you end up with, you will all still be just as important to me as you are right now."

He lets his words sit for a moment before he continues.

"I realised today that I possibly have not shown those sentiments in the best way. For all of you to hide the fact that Levi found his mate for so long, thinking that when I found out the entire story I would hurt them... I don't even know what to say to that." He says rubbing his eyes tiredly. "It wasn't the best feeling know that my family thought I was capable of that."

"I mean, you kind of are like super violent dad." Josey says breaking the silence making everyone glare at her. She shrugs and raises her hands in surrender. "I'm just saying what we're all thinking."

"You're right and I know that I am, but never to you guys." He says seriously. "Never to any of you, I would never let myself get to a point where I hurt any of you."

"He's not one of us so why is he still breathing." Damon growls angrily from his side.

"Yes he is." Julian says with narrowed eyes that sliced at Damon's anger. His eyes cold and leaving no room for arguement. "Whether you, your father or anybody likes it or not, Jayson is now part of this family. We will protect him and treat him as our own and most importantly, we will love him as our own. Have I made myself clear?"

Damon looks to Aiden for support, basically begging him to agree.

"Hey kid, I don't like it much either but Levi loves the guy. He's his mate and neither of us got any business getting between mates." He says with a shrug. "Your father is right."

Both Jayson and I stare at dad in shock. He had made it abundantly clear that he did not like Jayson and wanted him dead. But yet here he was basically defending him.

"Thank you." Jayson says drawing his gaze towards him. Dad studies him for a moment before frowning.

"We're not friends or anything don't get excited." He snaps but despite it, Jayson smiles. "Hey stop that happy shit."

"He's a rogue!" Damon exclaims in opposition, staring at Jayson as if we were all insane. A look I saw on Aiden less than two hours ago.

"Not by his own decision and if you stopped being a little imbecile and listened to their story, you would know that. And even if he was one by choice it wouldn't matter Damon. He is Levi's mate, if you truly loved your brother you would get over it." He replies with equal and more vigor. His eyes glow momentarily, holding his son in his place. "So I will ask you once again and for the final time, have I made myself clear?"

Damon nods eventually, his eyes boaring holes into the table.

"Damon." Dad says in warning, the father and the alpha in him seeping through his tone.

"I understand." Damon replies through gritted teeth.

The room remains silent, the tension in the space undeniable. It made Peter squeeze his bunny for comfort besides Hagen who was trying to sneak a gummy worm into his mouth without being seen.

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