Chapter 2

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As I drive through the pack lands, I can't help the fluttering that starts in the pit of my stomach. Excitement like a child at a theme park forms deep within.

The smell of thick pine and clean air captures me with an unforgettable familiarity I never tired of.
I take note of how the pack has developed since I left: there were more houses as well as the scent of more witches.

The thought of Aunt Katty makes my heart swell even more. She was by far the most amazing Aunt to have grown up with.
She's the one who got me Caspar and linked his life to mine. She knew before anyone else I was missing an inner wolf, and so she gave me the next best thing- a jaguar who's thoughts were only accessible to me and mine to him, with strength and durability to match my own. He was everything to me and I missed him more than anything these past few years.

I strain my neck out the window as I pass the second pack house out of our five. This was the one I grew up in when it was just me, Damon and our dads. When our family kept growing, we moved out and our parents built themselves a 'little' mansion to say the least.

That was now home and as I drove down the long, rocky driveway to it, I felt my heart pounding with relief, joy, anxiety all at once.

I park my car and the moment my foot touches the ground, the front doors were blasted open and my dads emerged. My dad, Julian, was running while Aiden just walked calmly with his hands in his pockets.

I open my arms sucking in a breath of relief as my dad jumps into me, squeezing me so tight I couldn't breathe. Immediately, his scent surrounds me. It blanketed me with the warmth that I'd grown to love since I was young and would never tire of.
He pulls back only to look at me, his smile wobbly but no tears... yet.

"I've missed you." He says with a large smile few had the pleasure of seeing. "So much."

"I missed you too dad." I say as my bear of a father finally graces me with his presence. Julian looks over his shoulder with an unimpressed look before looking back to me.

"You left me to deal with this imbecile for way too long." He says as we part, instantly earning him a glare from Aiden but no comment. He turns his attention to me, face still neutral for a long moment before he pulls me into his chest with a smile.

I loved hugging dad. I loved hugging both my parents, my whole family in fact, but with Aiden... with him, I never felt pain when he touched me.
I felt normal. Nothing hurt. No memories coiled my stomach. Nothing.
I didn't care about the reason, I just thanked Goddess there was one person on this planet who's touch didn't feel like acid on my skin.

"You alright kid?" He asks withdrawing slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine Po." I say making him roll his eyes.

"Ha. You still calling me that?" Dad asks rolling his eyes and I laugh.

The only reason I started calling him Po was because after Damon was born, his violent tendencies grew and they grew quickly. As an effort to get him away from his favourite show, Happy Tree Friends, I tried to make him watch Teletubbies. He hated it, of course, but the red one, Po, struck a chord with me. The red reminded me of mine and Aiden's eyes, so I sort of just started calling him Po.

He pats my back slightly before backing up just as Haden and Josey come running out, Peter walking just behind them.

"Levi!" They cheer as they jump on me and start climbing me like they did when they were small pups. But now they were fourteen and much, much heavier.

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