Chapter 31

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I would just like to say thank you to each and every one of you guys for reading the last chapters and sticking with the book through my writing break.
I wanted them a certain way, they came out better than I could have imagined and you guys were nothing but supportive.

So thank you so much, I love you all for being the best readers ever!!!!!!


Song: Remember not to forget - Audiomachine.

I recommend playing this song throughout the entire chapter. Replay if you need to


Jayson's P.O.V

"Levi." I gasp as I shoot up from my position on the floor.

I look around the space I'm in fearfully. I find the inside of a large house, bigger than any I'd ever seen before and two other people standing opposite me. A young woman who was staring at me with fretful eyes and the other a man who looked all too familiar.

Memories begin to flash before my eyes like a forgotten film I was only now rewatching. Memories which filled in the holes, that was Katerina, a witch I'd met a few times and he was.......dear Goddess..... he was L-Levi.

My Levi.

Before I could go to him, more echoes of the past began to flood my mind. Images and images rushing before me; glimpses of Levi and I eating around a fire in a darkened cave, others of us swimming together in a plunge pool beneath a waterfall, some of my parents, hugging Alison and I in our hut and others.... others of me in spaces filled with nothing but blood and death and destruction all around me.

"W-Where am I?" I ask frantically, taking a heavy step back as my heart thumped painfully against my chest. "What's going on?"

More memories bombard me as if they'd been waiting to be unleashed. Forcing their way into my mind, they came so fast, so viscously that my head pounded painfully at the burn. Information and events I didn't quite recognize flooding me without a single filter.

They started merging as if engraving their way into my brain permanently. I shut my eyes and released a loud groan as turmoil over took me.

Hey, hey! Calm down Jayson. Everything okay - Roger's voice fills my thoughts and a wave of relief rushes down me. Everything's okay now, just breathe. Breathe Jayson. I do just that, taking deep, shakey breaths and focus on his voice. The sound enough to quell the pain that ran through my pumping veins.

Roger thank Goddess, it's so good to hear your voice - I reply breathlessly as the rough waves began to settle in my mind.

It's good to hear your voice too, it's been a hard couple of months. You don't even know the half of it - He says chuckling.

But I did know. As the memories settled, things startled falling into place. Memories of Roger yelling at me, hating me for not being able to talk, for not being able to remember. Memories I wasn't present for, but ones I knew somehow.

It didn't make sense, any of it. I felt as if I'd woken up from a long dream where I'd missed seventeen years of my life where others lived in my stead.
The last memory I held in my mind securely was that of the rogues taking....


I look up to see if he's still there, to make sure I didn't imagine it, to make sure he was really there... that I'd found him.

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