Chapter 14

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Picture of Levi - I usually imagine him cuter but fuck he's hot here
*changes underwear and drools*

*don't play song until told, I put it again down below when you should listen to it*

I look over my checklist for the third time, cursing myself mentally for being obsessed with checking things like dad. But I push the taunts I know Po would make out my head and go through the list anyway.

Pillows. Check.
Blankets. Check
Lights. Check.
Food. Check.
Laptop. Check.

I look around the space I'd set up for J and I. Everything was in place, exactly the way I wanted it to be.
It was a little risky setting up here, on land that basically tethered on the pack's. But it was a risk I'd gladly take just to make J smile.

Plus, Aunt Kathy promised to put up a dome like barrier to keep everything and everyone out of this space but us. I really didn't deserve someone like her, I mean, she didn't have to do this for me. She didn't have to help me sneak out to see J or make sure no one followed, but she did. She was always here for me and I thanked Goddess everyday that she was in my life.

"Don't you think this is a bit simple kid?" She says as she glances over the set up.

"It has to be simple." I say ignoring her unimpressed look. "J won't get anything extravagant, he won't value it as much as others. This.... I think he'll like this."

"Whatever you say." She says lifting her hands in defeat. "Want me to zap him over here?"

"I have a feeling he won't take a liking to teleportation." I joke knowing that he'd probably lose his fucking mind if that happened to him. "Plus, we have to go somewhere else first."

"So my job here is done?" She asks and I nod with a smile before giving her a tight hug. "Touching. Levi, you're touching me."

I ignore her and squeeze harder.
Aunt Katty may pretend to be a bitch with less emotion than a brick wall, but I knew her long enough to know that she loved hugs. Even if she'd never admit it.

I release her eventually and she sends me an aggravated glare I promptly return a smile. She holds the glare for a moment before her resolve breaks and she sends me a tender smile.

"Have fun tonight." She says genuinely and my smile just grows even bigger.

"I will. Thank you for everything." I say appreciatively but she just swats me off.

"Remember, rubber is your friend." She teases, disappearing before I can defend myself.

I push away the pending thoughts that come with her implications, J and I were very far from that stage and I didn't need to get all worked up thinking about it.

I glance over the space one last time to make sure everything is perfect before setting course towards the area I usually found J.

It was strange that with the land that ran as far as your eyes could take you, he always seemed to be in the same area. I figured it may be because he stays around for me but when I think about it, that didn't match up with what the pack believes.

Dad always said that 'the thing' haunted them and the pack because it rested right outside the pack. Almost taunting them as it remained undefeated and when I thought about J, the J I knew and loved, it didn't make sense. He didn't seem to be looking for a fight or for a challenge, he didn't seem to be looking for anything at all.

So why would he stay?
Why would he remain in a place where people just kept coming back to attack him?

I stop in my tracks as a thought pops into my head.

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