Chapter 23

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J's P.O.V

There were so many of them, Levi's people. I knew it was a big pack but I didn't know it was a big, big pack.

I left our cave when I woke up and Levi was gone. The cat wouldn't wake up and Roger wasn't speaking to me, so I was alone.

I went to make a hare but there was nothing there, Levi always left something in the cold box.

I think he is in trouble.
So I came out looking for him.

I followed his scent to where it disappeared, right before a big crowd of people who had food and shiny things. I think mate's scent just got lost with all these people's. They were so many of them that I couldn't tell one from the other, I think that's why they couldn't smell me.

I joined the big crowd and started walking around. I wanted to look like them, so no one would notice me. But s few females stared, I tried to make a different face but they just did that giggle thing that Levi always does. But it didn't sound as good as Levi's giggle thing.

It sounded weird.

So I walked away from them and forgot why I came out in the first place. I liked this place, everyone seemed to feel good inside and no one was fighting. Some of their faces I think I've seen before, when they attacked me in my primary form.

But they didn't look so mean now, they looked different and showed their teeth to each other and even to me.

I think Levi had nice people, when they thought you were their people. I don't think they'd show me their teeth if they knew who I was.

They all don't like me.
I can tell because Levi keeps me in the house. He doesn't like me going out or meeting people he doesn't choose.

It's like when I was in the woods and he would only see me sometimes. It makes everything hurt inside when he leaves but I know he hurts more inside so I don't give him trouble. I think these people give him too much trouble so I don't want to bring more.

I wish I could make mate good inside all the time. Never have leaking eyes and only sweet giggles, I wish mate knew I loved him a lot. But I don't that could ever happen with these people around.

"J?" I turn quickly, people moved their lips a lot like Levi here and this was the first time I knew a sound they were making.

My eyes find little man and I smile real big. But he doesn't smile real big, I think because he had a piece of meat in his teeth. His eyes get bigger and bigger as he stares at me. He rips the bone from his mouth and comes towards me as people look at him.

"Shit, shit, shit shit!" He says quietly before pulling me away from the middle of the crowd. "What the fuck are you doing out here?! In the market of all places, do you want to die?!"

I could tell by the way he moved his hands and how big his eyes were that little man wanted to know why I was outside.

I point at my chest and he makes a new face and looks up at me. I pat my chest harder and he makes an even weirder face. When I start banging on my chest he grabs my wrist and makes an o shape with his mouth.

"Levi!" He shouts and I nod quickly. "You're looking for Levi?" I nod again.

I think I'm starting to understand this mouth moving thing.

"First things first, let's mark your scent." He says before dragging me behind some wood caves. He reaches down to the grass and starts pulling some parts and leaving others.

When his hand was full he brought it up to me and rubbed it on my arm, I frown when my scent faded and quickly push him away.

I sniff my arm but there's no scent, I rub it really hard but there's still no scent. I growl at little man as I look up to him. He puts his hands up and makes small giggles but they sounded like scared giggles.

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