Extra/Chapter 37.5

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Anyways, I hope you enjoy the QUADRUPLE update!


Aiden's P.O.V

I watch as Reon sags forth one final time, listening to the way his heart thumped its final beats before he died. His breathing stopping and his blood no longer struggling to pump it's way through his veins.

He was dead.

"I shouldn't have killed him." I say with immediate regret as I pull his face up and listen for a breathe. "Fuck, he's actually dead."

What the fuck was I supposed to do without him? Who do I hurt now when I got mad?

"This is a good thing Aiden." Julian mumbles besides me, pressing a hand to my shoulder but I immediately moved away from it.

I tap Reon's face slightly for some signs of life but he was dead. Like, dead dead.

Well I don't imagine there being any other forms of dead - Maximus replies tauntingly. I brush him off.

I stumble back as I look at the body that once held Reon. The man who had fucked my life up before it even began. Now nothing more that a couple of bones and torn skin. His arms lying on the floor beneath his body, next to his legs, feet and hands.

"We need to bury him." Julian says after a moment. I turn to face him with wide eyes to make sure I heard him right.

"Bury him?" I question and he nods. "You want me to bury this piece of shit?"

"You need to put him to rest and live your life without him controlling it." He says simply, his eyes never leaving mind. "You need to bury him."

"I didn't know you had a degree in psychology." I reply as I turn back to look at the literal pile of shit.

"Aiden." He sighs sounding serious. But he always sounded serious unless he was liquored up or stuffed up, so I ignore it.

"He ruined my life." I remind him.

"He ruined Levi's life as well but he's not down here dismembering him." He says cringing slightly. "You can't keep blaming Reon for how messed up you are."

"First you lied to me and now you're insulting me, what a mate." I say sarcastically. I see the way his hard gaze falters, the way guilt and pain swirls in them and immediately hate myself for causing it.

"We need to bury him." He says again before I can apologize. I stare at him for a moment longer before nodding reluctantly.

With the help of the guards, we carry his remains upstairs and out into the pack lands before dismissing them. They ran away puking into a bush, leaving us with shovels and looks of disdain which we ignored.

"I thought you said I needed to bury him." I say with a raised brow when Julian picks up a shovel. He looks at me with those perfect blue eyes that made my chest tight and smiles a little, the sight of him making my soul melt before him.

"I did, but you're my husband and I love you." He says, his lips stretching that little extra way it did when he said husband. After all these years, it still made him giddy with joy to say it, though he didn't seem to notice. "So I'm going to help you in any way I can."

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