Chapter 8

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Burning bushes surrounding a fiery dwelling.


Black wolves and rogues.


Black wolf and rogues.


Black wolf and me.


I fill my lungs with air as my eyes snap open. My heart races at the unfamiliar setting, my eyes darting around for some sort of clue as to where I was. I frown at the needles planted into my arms and the pain in my chest.

The pain that was resurging slowly, coming to as I did. Small and fragile- it stung my chest, injecting my soul with misery and yearning for someone. Who?


The memories come flooding in and the pain does alongside it, hitting me with twelvefold of what it previously was. I scream in desperation as my body cries for my mate, my soul being ripped apart at the obstacles that laid between us. It was like every nerve in my body was being burnt individually and I could feel them all.

"Levi!" My watering eyes catch sight of Aiden in the doorway as I writhed in the bed.

"It hurts." I cry as he rushes to my side. "Dad it hurts."

"What hurts? Levi, what hurts?!" He asks almost pleadingly, the desperation to help shining brightly in his eyes.

I open my mouth to reply but almost like a new wave, the agony bombards me causing more tears to pump out of my eyes. I scream at the top of my lungs, my body arching off the bed as I writhed around even more. He grabs hold of my hands, intertwining our fingers in a tight hold.

I wanted to get closer to my mate. But I was paralyzed- physically and spiritually paralyzed. I needed to go to him. But I couldn't, and that fact broke every piece of me.

"Dad. Please." I sob as I curl onto my side.

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out, his eyes glossed over as he looked down at me helplessly.

"Dad, make it stop." I cry, sobbing into myself as I clutch onto his fingers for strength. "M-Make it stop."

I want my mate...


My eyes flutter open, my mind fully awake but my body taking its time in adjusting. I try wiggling my toes but they curl at a snail's place, as if receiving my order late.

"Your body is going to be lagging for a little while." A voice fills in and I shift my eyes in search of them, frowning a little when I see Aunt Katty.

"What are you doing here?" I say slower than I wanted to, stopping in between to swallow my saliva.

"Your parents called me." She says as if that alone was enough of an explanation.

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