Chapter 24

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Levi's P.O.V

I wake up to gentle, loving kisses being plastered all over my face. I'd grown accustomed to J's unusual yet unique displays of love. I can't help but laugh as I open my eyes to find the absolute love of my life looking down at me with pure affection in his eyes.

His arms were wrapped around me with an unforgiving grip which I adored and didn't hesitate to return. Interweaving my fingers between his trimmed locks, I hover above him staring into those beautiful eyes.

I was practically dripping in his scent which made me smile, he must've kept me close last night.

"Good morning mate." I say with a chuckle, he looked like a puppy with the gleeful face composed of the brightest smile. 

He presses a quick kiss to my lips in response, rolling us so that he's caging me into a world containing only the two of us. When he tries to pull away, I grab him and tug him forward, letting our lips mold like our hearts.

Our lips move in sync, moans, and hums echo through our excited bodies as we rub against one another, getting as close as physically possible. My heart was soaring, beating with a new jolt of electricity and pure contentment as he held me here in his arms.

Hearing him say he loved me had my heart soaring since yesterday, it made the issues surrounding us seem a little less dire.
It made my heart beat just a little faster, the thought of him more exhilarating and the world a whole lot brighter. I couldn't imagine hearing anything better besides those three words coming from his very own lips.

"I love you so much." I stretch once we part. He kisses my nose and I know if he could, he'd say it back.

Reluctantly, I loosen my grip as he sits up taking me with him. He stands to his feet, with me wrapped around his waist, and walks us to our bathroom.

Over the past weeks, J had learned to stop running from things such as baths and getting dress, he started to just accept the inevitable.

But it still shocked me to my core when he placed me down gently on the counter and got to work. Putting the stopper into the tub before letting the hot water run, laying out his favorite soap and shampoo next to the tub and finally undressing before getting inside without a complaint.

I walk to him and turn the tap off once it was full before brushing his hair back and looking at him. He looks up to me, big, black eyes filled with wonder and innocence you couldn't fake. It was raw and real, a look of love and compassion that made the situation we were trying to cope with a lot worse.

I press a kiss to his forehead and undress, escaping to the shower to hide the incoming tears.

Yesterday was horrible.

I came home after that disastrous confrontation with Damon, ecstatic to find comfort in my mate only to find him gone. I looked everywhere denying what I knew was true, he was gone.

Panic flooded me, anxiety and desperation, pain like no other. It was hard to breathe let alone think. But I had to push through it, for J.

I looked everywhere, followed his scent to find it ending in the market. That didn't make the pain ease any less, only intensified it. I feared for the worst, that someone found him and took him to my father.

I couldn't stop the tears.

They came quickly and I couldn't hold them back. Not with the way my mind kept conjuring fates worst than the last for my J, the person who'd quickly and all too suddenly become my everything.

I'd heard that line before, heard the pain people felt when their mate was in a state of discomfort. But I hadn't felt it until that very moment.

Kneeling in the dirt, clutching to my chest with no knowledge of where he'd went and where he was. If someone was hurting him that very second.

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