Q&A with J

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I frown as I look around for Levi but I couldn't find him anywhere. I tried to stand but I couldn't move from this tree I was sitting on. Trees usually liked me so I didnt understand why it was being mean now.

I try scenting for Levi but he wasn't close and there was nothing else but me, the wood and the room.

"That's where you're wrong, I'm here too." I look up and my eyes stare into my own? My head spins when I stared at myself with a deep frown. "It's me, Roger."

I stare up at me...or him...us? I stared at him for a moment before shaking my head but he was still there when I straightened. So I tried closing my eyes really tight but he was there staring at me with a bad smile.

"Where are we?" I ask angrily.

"In the author's head, that's why you can talk." He says with a smile. "Thank fuck she listened to my prayers and separated us."

"Who's the author?" I ask looking around again for Levi.

"Not important. B-"

"I want Levi." I say with a low growl but he just smiles.

"It's just me and you." He says with another bad smile that makes me want to rip his lips off, but if I did that then I wouldn't have lips and I wouldn't be able to press my lips to Levi's.

"Where is Levi?" I groan and this spinning thing with his eyes.

"Here's the deal, you answer a few questions and I'll let you go back to Levi." He says making my eyebrows meet, I didn't trust him. "You're smart not to."

"How can you hear my mind, you're outside of me?!" I yell but he just keeps smiling.

"The author and I are close like that." He says smiling widely.

I already didn't like this author.
I felt a small pinch on my arm and jumped in the wood, I look at Roger but he puts his hands up.

"Pretty stupid to say you don't like the author, I mean, she's in charge of everything." Roger says and suddenly grapes appear in his hands. My mouth drops as I stare at Roger eating grapes happily. "She loves me."

"I want." I say trying to stand but I couldn't.

"Be nice then." He warns and I growl at him. I really hated Roger. "Feeling's mutual, now are you ready to answer some questions?" I nod and Roger pulls out a bunch of paper from the air.

"Question uno - who is your favourite sibling?" He says before taking some time to explain to me what siblings were.

"I like the little man." I say smiling widely. "He gave me a deer."

"Well aren't you easy, and in more ways than one." Roger says before moving to the next paper while a grape appeared in my mouth. I chewed it happily and waited.

"Second question and a personal favourite of mine, why don't you like Roger?"

"Because he's stupid." I say looking Roger straight in our eyes. He frowns so I keep going. "He's mean and angry all the time, I don't like him."

"You literally growl for a living, how on earth am I angry all the time?" He snaps making me fold my arms.

"You're angry right now." I say making him growl.

"No I'm not." He snaps.

"Yes you are."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"You're shouting right now!"

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