Chapter 36

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Many songs were used to right this chapter, can't upload them all but I will list them down below if you want to listen on your own:

Billie Eilish - listen before I go
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Adele - Turning Tables
Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Someone to Stay
Billie Eilish - when the party's over

All listed songs can be found on my new Spotify Account for all music used throughout my book. Username - Tippy446. Will place link at end of chapter.


Levi's P.O.V

I look down at my shaking fingers and quickly sink my nails into my leg to hide my fear. I knew my efforts were in vain, since my heart was racing audibly within my chest despite my efforts to calm it.

I could see dad constantly glancing my way with worry from the corner of my eye. He was fretting to no end about the whole situation, but he didn't voice it and chose to wait patiently.

I, on the other hand, was praying desperately to Goddess above that I was simply overreacting and that he wouldn't be mad. That he would, at the very least, try to accept our perplex situation and my mate.

"Stop." I blurt out making him immediately break the car. We lunge forward slightly before shooting backwards in our seats. Po looks at me slightly pissed but he bites his tongue, his patience wearing thin.

"Before we go any further, I need you to make a promise to me." I say avoiding his eyes as I kept them casted downwards.

"Levi, you're beginning to really worry me." He says honestly and it cuts deep knowing this level of care could be lost soon.

"Just promise me dad, that you'll listen to everything." I say finally finding the courage to meet his eyes. They were swimming with clear panic as he studied me in search of answers.

"Levi, what on ea-"

"Aiden." I say cutting him off making him stiffen slightly. It had been years since I referred to him as anything but Po or dad. "Promise me that you will listen to everything before you... react. Please."

He stares at me for a long time before he nods. We continue driving, my anxiety slightly diminished while his grew besides me.

We are close - I say shakily to dad through the link.

We're all here and ready - He replies in an instant. Everything will be fine Levi.

I don't reply because the truth of the matter was that I doubted that it would be. I doubted everyone would come out of this smiling, despite how much I willed it to be so.

We stop in front the house and dad looks up at it with a small smile. I get out before he could, knowing the minute he stepped out of the car what would happen.

He turns off the car before he door swings open and dad takes a step out. I watch anxiously as he stops and sniffs the air before he jumps out the car and slams the door behind him.

"Levi you need to get inside now." He says as he snaps into father mode. His eyes scanning the area cautiously while he pulled me closer to him, as if shielding me. "I can smell that fucking thing and it's close. Get inside."

I grab hold of his arm making him glance at me with confusion and anger. He opens his mouth but I beat him to it.

"Dad, it's okay." I say gently making his face fill with even more uncertainty. "Lets both go inside."

"Not when it's this close Levi." He argues, his eyes glowing red for a moment as he glanced around again. He stopped and turned towards the house before sniffing again. "Its inside."

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