I don't want you to regret it

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They soon finished off that bottle of wine and opened another. Jac reminisced about the good times she'd had with Sacha.
Fletch's phone ringing disturbed a story about a fancy dress party that Jac and Sacha had gone to as the blues brothers
"Hi Essie. How are you?"
"Fletch I 've just heard about Sacha. Dom said you and Jac found him"
"He was in the locker room" Fletch said quietly
"I saw him today. I knew he wasn't right but he was  putting on a brave face as usual. He got knocked back by a woman and his selfish daughter Bekka cancelled their spa weekend "
"Ah right. When we left he was in ITU"
"Are you with Jac?"
"Erm yes"
"Look after each other Fletch. Raf always had a feeling about you two you know"
"Oh shut up Di Lucca" Fletch smiled
"Fletch, let me know if you hear anything. Come visit me tomorrow?"
"Of course. Sorry I didn't quite make it today"
"Don't worry Fletch"
"Bye sweetheart"
"How's Essie?" Jac asked "I heard about the cancer"
"She's not great. Worried about Sacha. Sounds like he's a s rough day. Rejection from a woman and his daughter"
"God - his kids walk all over him. He's a cash machine for them and he's so soft, so lovely he lets them and he's never had any luck with women"
"Did you and he ever ..."
Jac laughed snorting her wine everywhere "you are joking Fletch"
"Well you know you two are so close and you're..."
"I'm what?" She snapped
"Well you know. You're you.feisty, talented ....beautiful"
"Are you hitting on me Fletch"
"No no" Fletch stammered. Reddening
"Oh" Jac  looked across at Fletch "that's a shame"
It was Fletch's turn to choke on his wine
"Jac you're really drunk, and upset and..."
"I'm not that drunk" she shifted closer to him and ran her hand up and down his inner thigh "you wouldn't be taking advantage"
She moved nearer still and looked up at him
"Kiss me Fletch unless you really don't want to"
He wanted to. He had wanted to for months
"I do want to Jac but it feels wrong. I don't want you to regret it"
"Let me worry about that"

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