Hold on to what's important

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The next stage of the meal passed without incident. After they had cleared up Sacha, Essie and the kids were back in the garden. Jac and Fletch were snatching a moment together in the kitchen
"So we pulled that off" Fletch said taking her into his arms
"Well no thanks to Mr Subtle" Jac teased "my 4 year old daughter is responsible for pulling it off. She can get away with being so blunt because she's cute"
"I'm not cute?" He asked
Jac giggled "well not in a 4 year old girl kind of way" she moved her hands to his backside "but very cute in other ways" she caressed him
"You're naughty Ms Naylor" he smiled
"Seemed like such a good idea to ask Sacha to stay but.....mmmm" Fletch was trailing kisses along her collarbone and neck
"Mmmm I guess we should be able to control ourselves" he murmured against her neck
"Yeah we're not teenagers anymore" her hands moved under his t shirt
"Shit. We need to stop there is a house full of people out there"
"Urrgh you're right" complained Jac wriggling out of his arms
"I suppose I should round up the rabble" Fletch sighed " I don't want to go home"
"Oh stop whining. You need to go home and find out if they like me as your 'girlfriend' or not"
"Oh relax, they'll love you"
"You don't think it's too soon for me to be in their lives? Aren't we still working out what this is?" She gestured between them
"Well you might still be working it out but I know that this" he mirrored her gesture "is for the rest of our lives" and with that he walked away to gather the kids , leaving Jac stood gaping open mouthed after him
Rest of our lives. It was true that Jac couldn't imagine her life without him in it and could barely remember what life was like before Fletch but rest of their lives?
Fuck - what do I go with that? She wondered. She glanced outside where Fletch and Sacha were giving the kids piggy back rides. It was currently Emma's turn with Fletch, Sacha had Ella. The two girls were squealing with laughter whilst everyone else clapped and laughed along.
The rest of my life would involve all of those people out there she thought -even Sacha and Essie and it wasn't scary, and it was the family she'd always longed for. She only felt sad that Jasmine couldn't be there.
We've been through so much she thought - we can deal with anything that life throws at us.
"Hey Jac. Penny for them?" Essie said seeing Jac obviously deep in thought. Jac hadn't noticed Essie  coming in
"Sorry, what did you say Essie "
Essie smiled "I said Penny for your thoughts. You look mikes away"
"Not miles"said Jac "just in the garden"
Essie smiled again "you make a good couple "
"Can you keep a secret Essie?"
"Of course"
"He's just told me that we are going to be together for the rest of our lives"
"Wow. What do you think?"
"I think that sounds like a long time but Essie I can't envisage a future without him and his family in it"
"There's your answer then. Look around you Jac, hold on to what's important "

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