Rely on you

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Fletch arrived on the ward slightly late for the ward round but then the morning passed like clockwork on the well oiled machine that was Darwin. At lunch time he made his way to Jac's office, knocking on the door, he knew that she would answer "come in Fletch" he still hadn't worked out how she knew it was him by his knock
"Are you ready?" He asked entering
"Yes. Let me just sign this. How was Essie?"
"In bits as you might expect. Kind of blaming herself for adding to Sacha's depression"
"Well she can't help being ill"
"I told her that"
Jac  signed off her last paper.
"Ok ready"
"You alright?"
"Well I'm worried about him. If he's gonna be ok and if he still feels desperate enough to want try to end his life again" Jac held back the tears but accepted a hug from Fletch before they left the privacy of her office.
On ITU the medics were starting to withdraw Sacha's sedation.
Jac and Fletch waited outside whilst the team conducted some checks. Jac reached for Fletch's hand. He intertwined their fingers and squeezed gently. No. words were needed.
"You can see him now" a nurse came to out to tell them. Fletch knew her and clocked that she'd  noticed that he was holding Jac's hand. He didn't pull away though
"Thanks Kate"
They entered the ward. Sacha was still hooked up to monitors and drips but was looking better, physically at least.
"Hi"Jac said softly
"Hi" Sacha managed
"How you feeling?"
"Embarrassed, stupid, a little disappointed it didn't work"
"Oh Sach. Why didn't you talk to me?"
"Jac, you've got enough on your plate. I couldn't burden you"
"She's got me around to help shoulder any burden and I can guarantee you that you telling Jac how you feel would not be seen as a burden Sacha" Fletch piped up.
Sacha and Jac both just looked at him. Fletch blushed
"I'm just saying"
Jac cleared her throat "he's right Sacha. He's around to support me so you have no excuse. Don't you dare try anything like that again" she said bossily "promise me"
Sacha looked so sad.
"But my life just seems to be turning to shit Jac. No woman wants me, my kids don't care, the love of my life is probably dying...."
"Listen. I hear you had a rejection from someone you were very fond of but we've all had heartbreak before and you'll get over that. Yes your kids are selfish little shits. I'm sorry Sacha"she said when she saw his eyes grow wide "but they are but still you have 3 children who need to know how they make you feel. And Essie, she's so worried about you and so worried that her being unwell tipped you over the edge"
"Oh my poor Essie. She can't help being unwell"
"Exactly and that's what Fletch told her. Sacha there are so many people in this place who care about you. Serena, Dom and Lofty. Who I hear are engaged by the way"
"Well it's about time" replied Sacha a ghost of a smile passing his lips
"Now you can't tell me that Dom hasn't had a crap couple of years and look at him now"
"He deserves some happiness. He's young and just starting out"
"Right you're not allowed to play the I'm too old fur all this card Sacha Levy"
They were interrupted by a nurse approaching the bed
"Mr Levy, your son Daniel is here" she then addressed Jac and Fletch "I'm sorry it's a maximum of 2 visitors per bed."
"Ok, we should be going anyway. Triple bypass is awaiting my attention" said Jac "please think about what I've said. I'll see you tomorrow" she kissed him on the cheek with a level of tenderness rarely associated with Jac Naylor
"Bye Sacha" said Fletch. Jac had left the room
"Look after her Fletch, she's not as tough as she makes out"
"I know mate. I know"
He walked out to find Jac pacing
"What the fuck  was that? She's got me to lean on? A it makes me sound weak and B it makes us sound like a couple which we are not"
"Well excuse me but you've been accepting my support over the past few days. In fact let's not beat around the bush Jac , I've pretty much been the entire Jac support team since before you got shot. And you said to Sacha that I was there for you. You need to make up your mind whether you want me around Jac. Sometimes whether you like it or not you need someone to lean on"
"I just don't want anyone thinking I'm weak"
"What even Sacha?"
"Even Sacha" Jac had calmed a little " I can hardly admit it to myself Fletch"
"Admit what?"
"Admit that I have come to rely on you"

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