Sounds like happiness

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Jac was not a great cook but lasagne was one dish she could manage. She was humming softly as she placed the two dishes in the oven. She realised what she was doing and frowned. "What the hell is that Naylor?" She said out loud, cross with herself.
"Sounds like happiness to me" said Sacha entering the kitchen with empty glasses
"Oh I didn't see you there"
He chuckled wrapping her in his arms.
"Jac, you of all people are allowed to be happy. You've just got to let yourself feel it  hun"
She returned his hug and then wriggled free
"I know and I'm trying but Jac Naylor humming whilst making a family meal for 9 Christ what am I doing?"
"Panicking?" Sacha laughed
"It's just not me though is it? I don't think I've ever hummed in my life"
"And I don't think I've seen you as happy with anyone before Jac. Don't ruin this by being you"
"Thanks a lot"
"Jac you know what I mean. Don't ruin it by keeping your defences up. Don't push him away"
Jac smiled "he's very persistent, tenacious even. I don't think he's going to let me be ... well me"
"You're still you sweetheart and that fiery woman is the one he fell in love with. Don't question it just feel it"
"I know you're right, it's just so new"
"It's not new Jac you were both just too scared or stupid to realise"
"What would I do without you Levy? I wish you'd felt you could talk to me about how you were feeling before you tried to kill yourself" she said bluntly
He looked shocked at her directness and a little embarrassed "you've had a lot on your plate and I didn't want to add to that"
"Sacha, there is no one more important to me in this world than Emma and you...... and I suppose now Fletch" she laughed softly
"Promise me Sacha that you won't ever again not come to me"
"OK" he hugged her again "it's a deal. I'm sorry"
Jac wiped the traitorous tear from her eye "Yeah well you should be sorry. I was furious with you" she couldn't hold the tears back anymore and sobbed into his shirt releasing all the emotions of the past few days.
Jac cleared her throat "right. Let's set the table and open the wine" she moved away from Sacha gently squeezing his hand
It wasn't long before the doorbell rang "Emma can you let the Fletchers in"  Jac called. She was in her bedroom trying to salvage her make up and not look like she'd been sobbing earlier.
"Hi Fletch" Emma smiled answering the door "Mummy's upstairs and uncle Sacha is in the garden."
"Hello mini Naylor " said Fletch "Kids why don't you go and see Sacha"
"I think I'll go too" said Essie. She gently touched Fletch's arm "go and see her"
He smirked "OK then"
"I'll be down in minute" Jac called quickly brushing her hair
"Don't rush on my account" Fletch said leaning against the door frame
Jac dropped the hairbrush "bloody hell Fletch what are you doing creeping around, you scared the living daylights out of me"
He chuckled "and hello to you too Ms Naylor"
She couldn't hide her smile "hi" she said standing up and putting her arms round his neck
"Hi" he said, bending to brush her lips with his own. She drew him in closer and invited him to deepen the kiss.
"Mmm better stop that before we get carried away" Fletch said reluctantly breaking off the kiss. He studied Jac's face. She had done a reasonable job of hiding the fact that she'd been crying but not well enough to hide it from Fletch
"Hey" he said softly stroking her cheek "have you been crying?" She heard the concern in his voice
"Yes, it's fine. I just had a heart to heart with Sacha about what he did"
"Oh right" said Fletch and drew her into his arms again gently stroking her hair
"Don't you'll start me off again" she laughed "let's go eat"
"Smells good" he said "never knew you could cook  Naylor"
"I can't" Jac said walking down the stairs " just this one dish "
He took her two wrists at the bottom of the stairs
"Love you" he grinned
"Love you too. Now come on"
And with that they made their way out to the garden where Essie had organised a game of rounders. There was noise and laughter such as had never been seen at Jac's house before. She could get used to this

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