Are you happy

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Fletch had a meeting at 9am but Jac's theatre list did not start until 10. They went to work in separate cars. No point in inviting gossip just yet.
Jac had decided to go and see Sacha first thing. Arriving on ITU she discovered that he had been moved to Keller - his ward. She made her way straight down
"Dr Copeland"
"Ms Naylor" Dom replied "have you come to see Sacha? We managed to get him a side room away from prying eyes"
"Thank you" she said sincerely
"Room 3 over there"
"OK. By the way I hear congratulations are in order for you and Lofty"
"Oh er Thanks" said Dom standing dumbstruck watching Jac walk away
"Everything OK Dom?" Lofty came over
"Yeah it's just. Jac Naylor offered us her congratulations. And I don't think she was being sarcastic"
"Are you sure?"Lofty asked incredulously
"I know it seems unlikely but yeah definitely"
Jac knocked briefly before entering Sacha's room. He was just ending a phone call from his mother.
"I bet she's giving you some grief is she?" Jac asked
"Apparently all I need is a good woman of her choosing"
"Well that's bombed spectacularly in the past"
"I know"
"So they moved you then, how do you feel about being on Keller?"
"OK Apart from Dom and Lofty clucking round me like a pair of mother hens"
Jac picked up his  charts from the end of the bed
"So looks like you're heading home tomorrow?"
"I think so. I've decided to go and spend some time in Australia - see Daniel. Have a little holiday. Re charge my batteries. I know I need help Jac but I need to get away from this place for a while"
"How are you feeling know"
He touched her hand "I've had a lot of time to think in here Jac I'm not thinking of ending it all now and I'm immensely grateful that you and Fletch found me when you did" he paused "speaking of Mr Fletcher, anything to report Jac?"
Jac felt really self conscious but couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
"Well I talked to him" she said blushing furiously
"And?" Sacha grinned "come on Jac, dish the dirt"
Jac giggled with embarrassment and reddened even more
"Sacha!" she protested
"Spill Naylor"
"Ok, ok. So I went round to his straight after talking to you. I told him I loved him. Christ I was crapping it Sacha  but luckily he feels the same and has done for some time."
Sacha looked like he was going to clap his hands he was so excitedp
"What did he say?"
"That it had crept up on him and was thinking that loving me was a death wish!"
Sacha roared with laughter
"Well I can see where he's coming from with that and why he didn't say something sooner"
"Am I really that bad"
"Not when you get to know you but someone declaring that they love you. That's a death wish"
"Oh well it's all good now"
"So, what happened after you declared undying love for each other? Did you just fall into each other's arms"
Jac blushed again
"Something like that"
"Oh Jac, have you been a naughty girl?"
She laughed "4 times" she smirked
Sacha raised an eyebrow "go Fletch"
Jac rolled her eyes "men. I don't know why I'm telling you this. Don't say anything to anyone please. We just need some time to work out what this is"
"I know hun but are you happy?"
Jac cringed "Yeah I'm really happy. I just hope it doesn't go pear shaped like every other time in my life"
"I've got a good feeling about this Jac. It's so obvious that Fletch thinks the absolute world of you"
"Is it?" She said "god knows why I've been as much of a bitch to him as anyone else. More sometimes because he's just been there in the firing line more"
"He can see through you like I can Jac" Sacha smiled
"Anyway"Jac said gruffly before she cried "when are you planning to go to Australia?"
"This time next week, I'll be on a plane"
"Just be careful"
"I'm going to Sydney - not the outback Jac"
"I meant be careful emotionally with Daniel and Chrissie"
"Don't worry,that ship has well and truly sailed"
"Would you consider staying at mine for a couple of  days when you come out?"
"What an earth for? Honestly Jac I'm going to be fine"
"I want to look after you"
"Maybe having  a bit of company would be good"
"That's settled then. I have holiday owed, I just need to clear it with Hanssen. I better go, I'm due in theatre. Bye. See you later"
Jac was waiting for the lift mulling over the events of the past few days and how much life can change according to a few random events.
The lift door opened to reveal Fletch heading back to the ward from his meeting
"Hey" he greeted her, aware that there were other people in the lift
"Hey" Jac's heart flipped
They kept surreptitiously glancing at each other during the short ride to Darwin where they both got out.
"Mr Fletcher do you have a minute?" She said entering the ward "in my office?"
"Sure" replied Fletch, suspecting some complaint about theatre nurses
They entered  Jac's office wherein she locked the door and closed the blinds. Fletch started grinning
"What can I do for you Ms Naylor?" He said closing the space between them and placing his hands on her waist
She went up on her tip toes and kissed him, snaking her hands under his scrub top, caressing his bare back. Before Fletch knew what was happening she had pulled away
"What was that for?"
"That's was a don't forget last night and I don't know when we can be together again. Emma comes back today and from tomorrow Sacha is staying at mine for a few days"
"Oh. Well we'd better make it count much more than that then. I'll see you after theatre" he turned on his heel smirking. He wasn't going to let her call all the shots.
Jac stared at the closed door and smiled to herself. That man is insufferable

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