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They arrived at the hospital half an hour before they were due on the ward. Because of the earliness of the hour they were confident that no one would spot them coming into work together or getting out of one car.
They headed straight for ITU. Sacha was still sedated but had begun to come round a little.
"Sacha" Jac said holding onto his hand tightly "can you hear me? It's Jac"
"Jac?" Sacha repeated croakily. He squeezed her hand weakly. "Fletch is here too"
"You two" Sacha managed before he slipped into unconsciousness again.
Jac let go of his hand. She leant over and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back later"
Fletch simply followed her,as soon as she was off the ward Jac burst into tears reaching out for Fletch. Gripping his shirt so tightly he was sure it would rip. God she was broken
"Come on let's go to my office" he said gently guiding her away.
Sitting in his office waiting for the kettle to boil she looked around having never spent more than 2 minutes in here.
"Tissues just there"
"You're a regular agony aunt to your nurses aren't you?"
"Well I don't know about that but my door is always open" he handed her a mug of tea
"Thanks. Nice cactus" she commented
Fletch chuckled "that's Jactus"
She raised an eyebrow
"It's small, it's a red head and it's very prickly" Sacha and I had joint custody whilst you were off. We thought she was dying but turned out Abigail was over watering her unknowingly slowly killing her" Jac snorted
"When you came back and we realised she started to revive. Of course Sacha was looking after her then. He nursed her back to health"
"A very symbolic cactus" she commented
"Hmm" Fletch replied
"I'm going to head up to the ward"
"Right, I'm going to go and see Essie so I may be slightly late for the ward round"
"Don't worry Fletch. Tell Essie I'm asking after her"
"Seriously who are you and what have you done with Jac Naylor because you appear to be in possession of a heart"
"Oh very funny Adrian"
He knew to drop it right there.
"Sorry. You want me to come with you to see Sacha at lunchtime"
"Would you?"
"Of course "
"OK so I'll see you later" she stood to leave
"See you later" she left
"I love you by the way" he said to the closed door
Fletch headed straight up to Essie. As soon as he walked in she burst into tears
OK so this morning his main purpose was comforting sobbing women
"Aw sweetheart what is it?" Fletch wrapped his arms round her.
"Did you see Sacha?"
"Very briefly, he was still pretty out of it though. Jac and I are going back at lunchtime"
"You and Jac?"
"Essie I came to see how you are not to talk about me and Jac"
"So there is a You and Jac"
"Essie" he said exasperated
"Ok. I'm sorry, I just want something to take my mind off my own misery" she laughed humourlessly
" I heard about the cancer and the hysterectomy. I'm so sorry Essie. If there's anything I can do"
"Sacha was in yesterday trying to cheer me up with a bear and being silly but I knew that it was an act. He forgets I know him so well"
"He still loves you Essie"
"I know Fletch and I love him - but not in the same way anymore. I think me being ill has really affected him too. I feel so guilty. What if he's not ok" she started crying again
"Essie come on it's not like you got ill .on purpose. I think things have been building up for a while for Sacha. Jac feels dreadful that he didn't feel he could talk to her. She also said his children are all selfish brats who use him as a cash machine"
Essie laughed "that does sound like a straight talking Jac assessment but on this occasion she's right. He's a great dad Fletch I think the way the kids treat him may be more to do with their mothers but for whatever reason they are selfish, money grabbing brats"
Fletch counted himself lucky that although not. Dad of the year, his four seemed to actually like him. Most of the time.

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