A plan comes together

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Jac and Sacha sat in the garden after lunch
"So what are you going to cook Jac? To feed 8 people"
"Or 9" said Jac casually
"Yes. I thought I might ask Essie to come round too. Do you know if she likes lasagne?"
"That's a lovely idea Jac" he swallowed hard "I'm so relieved she's Ok Jac. I crept to her room last night with treats. We had a midnight feast. Giggling like a pair of school girls we were. Got told off by that scary night shift manager which just made us laugh more"
"So are you two just good friends now?"
"Aw Jac I will always love the woman and I felt like my heart had been ripped out when she told me about her and Raf but I just wanted her to be happy, even if it wasn't with me."
Jac touched his arm gently. No words needed
"We probably work better as just good friends. Now she's back and well, I should try to see a bit more of her. Hanssen's offered her a job so I think she's staying"
"That's great news"
"Uncle Sacha, come and look at this" called Emma
"I warn you, it will be gross" said Jac
Sacha chuckled "coming"
Jac quickly took out her phone and texted Fletch
Slight change in plan. I need you to get Essie here for tea too

Blimey Jac. Talk about short notice. I will try and work my Fletcher magic. It might involve giving her a hint about us

Work your Fletcher magic Jac smiled to herself I don't care if she knows about us because everyone is going to have to get used to it

Are they now? Planning on letting me stick around? He asked cheekily

Don't push your luck Fletcher. See you later. Love J xxx

Love F xxx
Right thought Fletch let's get you to Naylor's for tea Mrs DiLucca. He called Essie
"Hi Fletch" Essie said noticing the caller id
"Hi. What you up to?"
"Not much. Thinking about going food shopping and then a night in front of the box"
"Don't bother getting any food for tea, you're coming to Jac's with me and the kids"
"You heard Di Lucca"
"Are you....is she..."
Fletch laughed "well come and find out for yourself. Sacha's staying at Jac's for a couple of days so he'll be there too"
"I'm too intrigued not to come. What time?"
"I'll pick you up just before 6"
"Ok. See you then"
Essie hung up. Jac and Fletch? Raf had a feeling she smiled to herself and if Sacha's there at least she won't be playing gooseberry all night
Fletch texted Jac
Sorted. See you around 6
Love F xxx

Love J xxx
He looked at her reply. Who would have thought a few weeks ago they would be ending text messages like that. He almost had to pinch himself to make sure it wasn't a dream until he heard Nicky shouting for help with a patient.

For the love of SachaWhere stories live. Discover now