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The next few weeks and then months passed in a blur. Sacha and Essie went to Australia, sending regular pictures and face time. Jac and Emma were at Fletch's more than they were home and Jac couldn't help thinking that everything was too perfect. She waited for something to go wrong.
Sacha and Essie were in their way home via Bali and they sent their latest face time.
"Jac" shouted Fletch
"Yes?" She called from the kitchen
"Sacha and Essie FaceTime "
Jac hurried through and clicked the accept button
She and Fletch just stared at the screen both speechless. Sacha and Essie were toasting each other with champagne holding a marriage certificate
"Guess what we did today" Sacha  said kissing his new bride
"What.. when er what! I mean erm" Jac stumbled eventually
Fletch finally discovered the power of speech
"What she's trying to say is congratulations. What happened"
"Oh we'll tell you the full story when we get back we just wanted you to be the first to know" Essie smiled
"We're staying away a little longer. Have a honeymoon but we'll keep in touch"
"Ok. Bye"
"Wow that was unexpected" Fletch observed
"They never stopped loving each other Fletch and now the baby thing isn't an issue and with what they've both been through recently I think it's lovely "
"That's a bit gushy for you . Who are you and what have you done with Jac Naylor"
"Shut up" she said smiling "it's your fault. Your
soppiness must be contagious"
Fletch hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "Love you Naylor"
"Fletch I think we should take a leaf out of Sacha and Essie's book"
"You want to go to Bali"
"No"she said shakily "not the holiday book the getting married book"
"Are you serious?" Fletch asked "Are you asking me to marry you?"
Jac laughed nervously "I guess I am"
Fletch jumped up from the sofa and ran upstairs
Well that went well thought Jac , willing herself to not cry
He reappeared quickly. Sitting down he took both her hands
"Does this mean you can see us being for the rest of our lives now?"
"Yes" she said quietly
"I've had this for weeks. I hope you like it"
From his pocket Fletch produced  a small navy box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond solitaire engagement ring
Jac gasped and lost the battle to hold back the tears
"I was planning to ask you when I thought you were sure"
"I'm sure Fletch. It's perfect. Just what I would have chosen"
Grinning he placed the ring on her finger and then pulled her into a tight embrace
"So if you're asking me to marry you Jac. My answer is yes"
Jac carried on crying "I thought you'd legged it when I asked. I never imagined you were going to fetch an engagement ring"
He kissed her
"Kids" Fletch called "can you come in please"
Five sets of feet came running in
Jac and Fletch just sat smiling with Jac's engagement ring on full display
"Dad you finally asked her" Evie said
"I had a bit of help choosing the ring" Fletch whispered to Jac
"Technically she asked me"
"Mummy" said Emma crossly "the princess never asks the prince. He has to ask her"
"Your mummy is full is surprises Emma and anyway I was going to ask, she just beat me to it" Fletch said pulling Emma onto his knee
"OK?" He said in a silly voice and bopped her nose. Emma giggled "OK"
"Is everyone else ok with this" Jac asked anxiously
Evie spoke for the rest of them
"Look at how happy he is of course we're ok with it"

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