Lucky in more ways than one

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Fletch was true to his word and crept into Jac's office whilst she was still in surgery. When she came back he was sitting on her cream desk chair
"Moved in have we Mr Fletcher?" She smirked trying to appear cross but failing miserably
"Lock the door Naylor" he said forcefully
"And then you come here to me"
"Fletch it's 4.30 what about the kids needing collecting"
"I know what time it is. Now come here"
He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap, then he kissed her deeply, urgently. It didn't take long for them both to have all their clothes lying in a pile by the desk. The sex was frantic and passionate and it wasn't long before they had both reached their climax.
"Well that's the first time my chair's been used for anything like that" Jac said breathlessly
"It's perfect though, don't you think?'
"I do, but now we really do have to get going Fletch"
"Ok" he said placing a gentle kiss on her forehead
"Just because we can't stay over doesn't mean we can't see each other. You and the kids could come round for tea tomorrow?" Jac Naylor would never usually offer anything like that - too much risk of being rejected
"That sounds great" he said, immediately understanding how difficult she would have found that and was overwhelmed with love for her
"Hang on though, who 's cooking" he asked cheekily as they got dressed
"Me. Why?"
Fletch pulled a face. Jac threw his shoe at him "bloody cheek Fletcher" she laughed "although Sacha is a better cook than me so I might persuade him"
Fletch took her in his arms "I'm winding you up Jac, it's one of my favourite things to do. Besides we're not fussy egg and chips will suit us"
"I love you" she said quite out of the blue
"Love you" he nuzzled her neck
"Oh god don't start that, we'll never get out of here" she moaned softly
"Well there's an idea" he spoke against her neck, the vibrations making her tingle. She could tell he was smiling
"Fletcher!" She said firmly pulling away "I'll see you in the morning"
"Ok" he said reluctantly "gonna be thinking about your office chair all night though" he grinned
"Stop it" she scolded but secretly knowing that she would struggle to get the images of the past 30 minutes out of her head as well
Jac got home just in time for Emma being dropped off by Jonny
"Hey baby" Jac greeted Emma and hugged her tightly
"How's Sacha?" Asked Jonny dropping Emma's bags by the door
"Oh a little better, in fact, he's being discharged tomorrow. I'm going to have him stay here for a few days before he goes to Australia"
"Yeah it's where Daniel lives and he needs a break"
"It was lucky you found him when you did"
"Yes" Jac and Fletch finding Sacha was lucky in more ways than one she smiled to herself

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